What time during sexual intercourse can a womanly attain pregnant?

what time during sexual intercourse can a female get hold of pregnant.is it after ejaculation or anytime during the sex ?

Answers:    any time during the sex, as long as sperm can reach to cervix.
This is not solely happen during ejaculation but also during foreplay sperm can come out.
anytime during You call for sperm to get pregnant. Most sperm cell are released during ejaculation, but there can be a few that bring back out before.

In any shield, you wouldnt actually conceive until a while after the achievement is done, because it takes time for the little guys to swim up and group your egg :)
At about any time during sex. There is a small amount of seminal fluid that comes out during the entire process of intercourse. Sperm can be mixed near this. It is less imagined than at ejaculation, but still possible. As I have told my patients surrounded by the past, "Even Michael Jordan dribbles since he shoots." for some from the other side of the street when they first view the man surrounded by their plan.
anytime y nut The pre-ejaculate may contain active sperm depending upon a mixture of factors. For this function, it is possible at any time.
Conception itself doen'st happen during the deed of sex (unless you have sperm specifically still present from another time, and it just so happen to be meeting up beside your egg).

After your partner has ejaculate inside of your vagina, even if you've used a form of birth control (condom, pill.), it could take anywhere between singular a few days or a week or so for conception and fertilization to happen.
You don't attain pregnant during sex, you get pregnant after sex. It take some time before both the pre-ejaculated / ejaculate semen can reach the ovule which is surrounded by the fallopian tube (when it get fertilized it transfers to the uterus)

You can achieve pregnant even 74 hours after sex.
Anytime as long as your penis is in. You know what I expect.. Anytime during sex. There is semen that drips out even before ejaculation. The probability are much greater during ejaculation, however, anytime during intercourse is possible to get pregnant.
it is apter ejaculation changa... but it depends whether u r pertil or not It happen after you ejaculate. But it takes anywere from several hour to a year ot two for a girl to actually win pregnant.
any time during sex,

while having intercourse here is a small amount of sperm in the fluids produced beforehand ejaculation

if you are not trying to conceive ( make baby's) wear a condom
near spermicide or do not have intercourse at adjectives.
I would say she'll acquire pregnant once you kiss! so avoid kissing and hit the valley...Good luck.

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