Was this wrong of me to do today?

I had to go and get blood checked at doctors, and was competent to have full access to my tolerant chart for at least 15 min and read adjectives info, about myself lol. Than secretary/ nurse come , and said "how did u find your file"? Not mad but suprised i found. The bureau is closed since doctor retired and all files are resting on counter all over place. I told her that i know what color my database looks like(i've been going since age 7 until 35), i know what it looks close to lol.. Holy toledo was i shocked to read reports on myself. I am going to capture a summary of my file anyway but doctor might not put everything so glad i get my nose contained by my own personal chart just incase i never receive , and i did pay $100 for my summary so hope its righteous and detailed like unproved. One report from shrink from 2007, whom prescribed me venlafaxine stated , 34-yearold female relaxed, looking her age, well toned voice beside prodigy, history etc, logical thinker, orientated, can remeber 3 words after 1 minute and again after 5 mi

Answers:    A tolerant always have the right to access his/her own medical charts. Usually you have to stir to the medical records department and swarm out a form. Sometimes it's not bad to enjoy a medical person next to you to explain all of the "doctorspeak" and abbreviation to you. Your stuff about starting venlafaxine is adjectives pretty normal unfinished psych eval stuff. Nothing to worry around.

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