I HATE MY LIFE! Can you minister to me?

OMG. If you really do exist, give me the damn strength to variety it through another day contained by this f**ked up world. If life is really resembling a game of chess, I'm set to close up the f**king board. I'm 21yrs old and newly about prepared to do so...

FAMILY. I was born into a own flesh and blood who never appreciated me for who I am and treated me like dirt. I made the outcome to move out when I was 20yrs prehistoric and I don't regret it. I call them every in a minute and then, but it's clear that they do not exactness about me.

FRIENDS. My BFF tranferred to another college, so I'm stuck trying to finish alone. We don't have a word much anymore and when we do, it's not much. I have tried several times to trademark new friends but they adjectives end up screw me over or betraying me. I now live next to a friend and her mom. They are both very arrogant and hypocritical, other trying to impose THEIR view of Christianity and THEIR way of living on me. For $300.00/month surrounded by NY...

Answers:    Don't give up. All of this is tolerable if you can take it one step at a time.
First: Your college should own a counseling service or a crisis line. Get on the phone to them right away and start conversation this stuff through. If you don't like the first counselor you carry, ask for another. If the college has a psychiatrist, you might try seeing that individual as well. It may be that you're depressed, and that some medication would serve you put all of this surrounded by perspective.
Next: Figure out how to do one thing that you love. If it's singing and dance, take a class, sign up for a production, or in recent times practice at home. That one thing will sustain you.
Then: Cut down on the stresses. See an pedantic adviser at your college and find out how you can step part-time. Usually there's a mode if you are working as much as you are. See if you can find a job closer to conservatory, perhaps on campus. Once you enjoy this stuff resolved, chip away at the debt just a bit.
Finally: Think something like your living situation. Can you afford to rent a room with other NICE populace? Can you take a loan and live on campus?
One of the other society who answered talked in the order of priorities. You need to a short time ago work out one mess at a time, the most important ones first. If you try to solve everything at once, it will have a feeling like you are contained by an avalanche.
Hang in in attendance!
Quit your freaking whining and grow up. People that feel sorry for themselves are a dime a dozen on this planet.

Either hold 100% responsibility for your life or keep hold of whining but whatever you do, realize that YOU are surrounded by charge of your life, not some movie script.
Goodness.Get a psychiatric therapist. Don't just ramble on in the order of how sorry you are for yourself to the innocent readers of womenanswers.org... move to mexico ,
You only just made me feel profusely better about myself. Nah but only stick with it. It will receive better in time articulate to a social worker.or consouler what ever u call it if thats too much try 2 discuss 2 ones at skool they r free
And your question is...? Awww don't verbs about it! Things will look up... a short time ago try and save the money you bring from your job and reimburse off your debts. Email me on longsocksrules(a)yahoo.com
unwell be your fwend!
Everyone produced his fate by himself. No one else is responsible. So, monitor the wood in your own eye, and read out YES to life; later it will change. Thats purely how the world is. But one thing you do enjoy to remember is a thing call karma. For all the ancestors who ** you over in your duration... something bad WILL start to them eventually. Its just how it is. I surmise that you need to stop human being selfish. Taking your life span doesnt prove anything. Taking your life is purely the easy channel out of things. Im sure your very moral at things anyways. you just enjoy to wait to find what you are obedient at.
Sounds like you made some bleak choices in your time, you will have to suck it up and work concrete to get put a bet on on track. They must have counselors at college that you could have a chat to. They can help you capture ahold of yourself and your life. Everybody have obstacles surrounded by their lives that they have to settlement with. Yours are newly happening adjectives at once. Please seek out a counselor or someone you trust to reach a deal with..Good Luck
You are within college. They have a crisis hotline. Call them in a minute. My daughter used to work at one when she was surrounded by college. They will help you. You will bring back through this. You just obligation to talk to someone trained to capture you help. Counseling, is what you obligation first. Finish school no business what or else you'll regret for the rest of you life span. Education is what will get you out of a desperate situation. Pay off you debts, close any unneeded credit card accounts, cut back shopping, try to find a better job( if there are any that recompense better and will not interfere with your grades). And catch some friends that you can relate to, this makes a happier go and can improve grades.
If adjectives else fails try God, and if you do receive out of your situation, still, try God
Don't worry around it, as soon as you graduate, your debt will go down. Try adjectives down on things that aren't necessary financially. Getting a student loan is a angelic idea because it seem that a lot of your problems are tied to money. With that stress rotten of you, you could have time to promise with your other problems. There are friends out at hand to be made, you just haven't met them all the same. Just give yourself more time and eventually it'll get hold of better. Oh God its such a big pile of problems,
but by your attitude and intentions you look so strong. Don't let piece get you down and you hold to wait alittle. Find another place to live essential you work.
Just try to think for a moment calmly your problems are not as could not be solved.
it'll thieve time but it seems to be solved as you are so determined.
and also don't phone up such people your friends who embezzle money from you when you live with her and also extraordinary.
try to get rid of that soon.

a short time ago be determined not to get down on your self and be couragious.

best of luck..!
Dont live beside some friend u know and her mom. Its better to live with your familial. I'm sure your family does love you abundantly. Find a boyfriend if you dont have one. And live beside him. You need to bring a life and live it capably. try and save up money... do overtime... possibly go to a counselor.. try and chitchat to people
Get a Friggin theropyst and stop response so sorry for yourself, just try and look on the bright side of things instead of whining to a bunch of ancestors you dont know!
Get over it, its life.
They do probably consideration about you but hold important things to verbs about. who give a shiz if your on your own in class, we adjectives have to put up next to it MAKE NEW FRIENDS! SOCIALISE with culture!
first of all you entail to prioritize your responsibilitys. second of all is you obligation to tell yourself is conservatory going to benefit you in the adjectives you say you dont similar to school ..so why dont you rob less classes. and your bills want to be paid work a pay-out plan with the bill collectors they want their money so they will work near you .third of all you requirement to focus on your future . and also you dont inevitability to put yourself in more debt by getting another university loan.you will just be putting yourself contained by deeper debt .as for your socail life dont verbs about your friends they come a dime a dozen. and you should of late take sooner or later at a time. you think the world is tough? try living contained by eternal hell. cause thats where on earth you will go if you do comit to suicide...flawless luck...and GOD bless you. you can run away to military life, what i mingy is that you go away for training, not lone will you have money , you willget a well-mannered paying job from the military when you come support, if you like this answer, hit me hindmost, i'll fill you within on the info...
That was alot to read gurl but okay as far as household i would say a moment ago move on.Friends if you cant generate any then after move on and find osmeone that reall care for you. and forget the fact that your best friend moved to another college. youll obtain over it. Money work 2 jobs if you want the genuine money to come in. i work 4 job and get at 1 commission 4,000 another 300 another 2,000 and mcdonalds is 5 and hour and i work 4 hours so thats 20 i know that all add up to be 6,320 even though that might not be a real lot but i dont salary my bills my loving husband does. so therfore i can buy shoes and clothes and not what we want. he works all sunshine so i never have time to reach a deal to him but on his 15 minute break. okay about that and later the school cog at lease you are smart girl and move with the flow it is okay. as far as relationships you dont hold to have a boyfirned. linger to someone comes to you you dont have to come to them. and you know what is really not a cut of relationships. Boys are always chitchat about that but it is not a part of a set of any relationships. Realtionships are for a special preson not just anybody. SO.There virtuous luck and that was tmi and dont dislike your life.

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