Prozac...and its sexual side effects?
Answers: Trust me It will come spinal column,your body just wants to get posterior on track.It was matching for me Prozac does that to you for a while and suppressed my appetite too!
Good luck,and i'm glad it helped you near the depression .
No, the sexual side effects of those drugs tend not to improve. If anything, they get hold of worse the longer you're on the medication. But, Lexapro also has sexual side effects. Any SSRI does, though they're usually underreported. But ask anyone who's be on any SSRI to tell you whether it artificial their sex life, the answer will pretty much other be yes.
You should really try an unrelated antidepressant like Wellbutrin, it have almost no sexual side effects associated with it at adjectives. You can also get Zyban, the "smoking cessation aid" performance of the exact same drug, which I believe is slightly cheaper.