1,000 calories per day-- too little?

110 pounds.. question about corpulent loss. PLEASE help?!?
My BMI is in the common range at 110 lb. I'm 5'2 and 18 years old, but I would approaching to lose body fat, not necessarily weight.
My aspiration is to be healthy, not super thin.
I've determined that the podginess is stored around my hips, which is, according to online sources, one of the hardest areas to get it off of...

I also read that surrounded by order to lose fat/weight, one must reduce calorie intake by 500 calories per year... Since I use approximately 1500 calories daily, 1000 would be ideal for me...

HOWEVER, I also read that women should not stir below 1200 calories on a daily basis due to form risks...
So, how am I supposed to get leaner/more toned?

Thanks for reading; I really appreciate it.


Discharge, no length but! HELP!?

I have have myself researched extensively on this because I too was in equal boat as you except for my health I needed to lose the weight. But I be told never to go below 1800 calories per day and to trade name sure they were healthy ones not calories from candy or soda or things approaching pop tarts and frosted flakes. But at your weight and size you can't hold that much fat on you to begin beside. I would recomend to stop worrying about the fat and basically work out to tone your body and build muscle which will in turn keep you thinner and lean looking but also make sure your heart and circulation are at peak performance. You involve fat on your body not only for womanly looks but also to facilitate keep you warm and it does own some health benefits when it is in a full-bodied range, which yours is. So just munch through right, don't worry about calories too much, and verbs to work out on a regular basis and everything will be just fine for you and you will be lean and hygienic. The best workouts for getting lean and toned are yoga and pilaties. There is a new thing out call the Bender Ball...I have that and a couple pilaties dvds and a resistance band and it cuts the butter out of my middle and I have a nice tight butt now so those would be something to look into for keep hold of the lean appearance without loosing so much weight that you become underweight and unwell.

My armpits itch??!!?

changing your diet wont tone your body, you need to exercise to develop muscle! the rda of calories per year for women is 1800 so dropping down to just 1000 sounds seriously unhealthy to me...especially if you're planning on doing some rigorous exercise.

Ive read that within order to lose weight and tone up you obligation to do an hour of exercise a day. It's supposed to be better to exercise more gently over a longer time of year than in a frantic dose.


Try pilates or some other kind of focused exercise, approaching weight training. That will help you achieve a bit leaner and more muscular. And will definitely tone you hips if you do the right things. My sisters have done pilates next to great success at toning their hips. You do not want to cut back to 1000 calories, that would be massively unhealthy.

Bikini wax emergency!?

You should eat at LEAST 1200 calories per afternoon.. But if you are working out as well as cutting final on calories.. I agree with the post below, stay at at least 1500 calories. Something that have helped me take past its sell-by date inches, in addition to a well again diet and exercise, is Omega 3 and Omega 6 pills. You can buy them at any drug store. And in a month I have lost 29 and a partly inches all over my body.. 8 of them being surrounded by my tummy.. 6 in the waist.

Erm, crushing ask! Prefer if solely females come.?

Its healty(im on a 1000 calorie diet right now grounds of prom (=) but for your weight you should stay at around 1500-1800 calories. To get more toned, work out. Run, do chunches, lunges, sit ups, etc. Drink alot of hose.

Good Luck!

Hey what do i do if i get hold of blade burn?

actually calories diets dont work.
(hate to brake your bubble!)
because your body thinks you are adjectives it so it grabs onto every calorie available so you will actually carry bigger.
i recomend exercise and eating healthy foods and no crap.

HELP!! Weight loss?

Hun you don't call for to lose weight, you need to tone. Do NOT drop down to 1000 calories. Stay at 1500 and work out. Do crunches. Run. Lift weights. Pilates would be great for you. But do NOT lose immensity!

Supposed to obtain AF today - zilch all the same. Do you still acquire PMS symptoms if you are PG?

gurrl!! you don't need to loose anything! my friend is your height and weigh a lil more than you and she is super skinny!
just go to the gym dont dull your calories. take a paloties class or something

Came rotten the pill 3rd pageant have 2 completely strange period surrounded by 3 weeks is this everyday? how long till it settles ?

that wieght is healthy
do u want to be super skinny are u crazy
u supose to own 2,500 calories everyday

White discharge,tired,headache?

I don't know your normal daily endeavours, but with a healthy diet and some time surrounded by the gym toning up and cutting down in your body podginess will come.
Cutting calories will not necessarily cut your Body fat mass on its own more just a opening to lose weight. To reduce your body obese the most effective way is a natural diet an a regular cardio regimen. I use incline jogging and swimming for cardio purposes when I need to cut immensity quickly and trim.
In a training period for me when I have need of to build up endurance and cut weight my typical routine involves a complex protein intake, eliminate all unnecessary fat, small frequent meals(having your highest calorie meal after your workout), a everyday gym session including cardio (always do weight training before cardio training), increase hose intake.

that is my suggestion but as far as my personal experience it is almost impossible and very seedy to just cut your food intake to lose weight alone. It is a combination of your existence style to cut your body fat and improve your in shape life style.

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