I own be have lower pelvic spasm for 2 months presently. Ultrasound shows swollen fallopian tube?
Answers: Did you doctor ever tell you around endometriosis? What was the lead to of your swollen fallopian tube?
check out The Endometriosis Association for more information and see if any of it sounds familiar.
Good luck to you.
The raison d`??tre of pelvic pain is dificult to diagnose. You want to get subsidise with your doctor.
Good luck. Did they also do a pregnancy tryout - draw blood to rule out an ectopic pregnancy? The pain within your inner leg and hip is likely due to the fallopian tube pressing against nerves contained by that area. If you don't win the answers that make sense to you, you should not inhibit to get a second belief - insurance will pay lower than most circumstances.