Breast backache?

Lately I've been experiencing some mild niggle in my breasts, similar to the one I have a feeling when I'm close to getting my period, what can that be? I enjoy a breast exam next week, but surrounded by the meantime, has anyone have this kind of aching and knows what it is? Thanks

Answers:    economically u have vague your age buddy.. anyhow let me relate u .. breast pain within 20-30's is mainly cause by a disorder called fibroadenosis... its unbelievably normal and get cured.. localised swelling in breast may be due to any trauma.. cyst.. specifically collection of fluid.. one gets to know the motive best by examining breast..
see the skin overlying.. is it red.. warm...?
after see any mass by self feeling it..
do find an ultrasound too..
with my experience i consistency like u are not have anything serious...
just a mild analgesic and antibiotic will do..
Dr. fleming
For some aim I was experiencing this as resourcefully.. So bad it kept me up adjectives night one time and I'm just 22.. So they only did an ultrasound. They never figure out what it was goal there be nothing. They merely said it was most imagined my hormones.

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