Youre adjectives gonna abominate me?

im 19 amlost 20 and i havent had a period surrounded by nearly 3 years no birthcontrol or pregnancy i started at age 13 and by the time i was 17 they went away they be never very routine should i be worried??

Maybe i am further along ... adjectives i know is that i took a pregnancy trial and it showed positive?

<-envious of people near regular periods!
i also have irregular period, started at age 13, 21 now but unless i am on birth control, i get them just about once every 3-5 doc said it was normal but since i be trying to get pregnant that we would need to regulate them b/c w/o a interval, you dont ovulate! anyway, i dont get them often, but man, when it rain it pours! :( i get it for about 2 - 6 weeks at the most, my concluding one was exactly 1 month to the date! :(but then again, 3 years is really a long time!

What do you do when your heart hurts (LITERALLY)?

Nah. It take ages for the body to develop a routine and for periods to become predictable. There are other things which may cause the period to stop, like being severly underweight, stress or excessive exercise. Maybe you should see a gynecologist to be on the past the worst side.

Irregular monthly?

Now I wonder why you are asking if we are all going to hate you.. I really would approaching to know why you feel guilty and that we judge you.. Believe me we don't referee you but it's not normal for your period to enjoy disappeared for almost 3 years and you are not pregnant and not on birth control... someone was clever.. yes .. it is right to wonder if you eat right or are you maybe anorexic.. ? If you are severely underweight.. then that would explain why you have no term...starving oneself would stop the menstrual cicle for sure...Please go and see a did not really report to us if you are in pain... if you suffer from severe stress and yes .. if you are bulemic or anorexic...? and why you said we would dislike you.. nobody will hate you.. but you have to revise to love yourself which i somehow don't think you do.. and the first thing a individual who cares about him or herself is to move about see a doctor when something is wrong.. and 3 years without a period is not right.. so please see the doc.. I assure you none of us here hate you.. we have no reason...xx

Is it typical to bleed after sex?

do you chomp through regularly? you should be worried, but it doesn't necessarily mean soemthing is wrong with your body. run get it checked out to ease your mind

Are your probability of becoming pregnant lessened by have an overactive thyroid gland?

powerfully, it all depends on the reason.
it could be because of an consumption disorder. which in case you should be worried.

Do you judge it is possible that I will be done growing taller by the time I am 15?

You should definitly narrate the doctor about that, it's not good.

I don't quality pregnant?

There might be a problem next to your pituitary gland
DO go and seek a doctors direction.

Is here any difference for a sunday starter or a daytime 1 starter for Tri-cyclen lo?

Hi , i think you have a hormone within balance in your body! You should see a doctor

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I own dry skin on m vagina.what is it?
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I merely graduate nursing university and am preparing to appropriate my boards but am have difficulity staying awake?
  • Period pregnancy 16 ?
  • I started my birth control today..?

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