Yay I get a Tampon In!?

So I just got a tampon surrounded by.
I can't feel it at all except for when i bend over. Otherwise, I can't really surface it.
I want to go swimming soon, do I have to vary it RIGHT after i get out of the pool?

Answers:    Good job.Yes,transformation it right after.Depending on how heavy your period is a tampon can usually ending around 1-3 hours. Just change it when you get out of the pool.Have fun swimming..
Congrats on getting a tampon surrounded by. =]

You should really change it every few hours. You don't have to immediantly after you procure out of the pool..
i always have, im more comfortable that style. i feel cleaner. i think doesn`t matter what feels better for you. good luck!

everyone please relieve me out here...
you'll feel it until you get used to using em' it be like that for my first time
you don't have to newly as soon as you change back into your clothes and stuff i usually don't. it depends though, if your flow is regular, i'd voice change it every 5-6ish hours, but if its really heavy, correct it more often..
aha congratulations, no you don't need to
tampons are supposed to final you an hour or so at the least depending on what kind your using. You Don't HAVE To But It Will Feel Kinda Uncomfortable If You Don't..
no you pilfer it out before you go swimming and afterwards dry off and put another one back surrounded by Not necessarily. But you might want to just to be safe contained by case of leaking..
No,as long as it doesn't slick then your fine!Just don't leave it within for to long,you might get TSS! no you dont have to adjust it immediately, but it may be a little raining so change it in an hr.
no translate it when its soaked w/blood water shouldnt go within yeah i think you should, like after your completely done swimming.
even though i never tried putting one surrounded by lol.
i would to be safe...but no rush unless you feel it leak, or suspect it at all. you probably should, just to be undamaging.
nope you shouldnt have to good profession!!

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