IS IT SAFE TO..?? serious answers, please?

Is it safe to have s*x when you are on your spell? without condom? i don`t mean pregnancy because i help yourself to the pill.
i mean is there a risk of some category of infection or something like that for my partner because of the menstrual blood?


Answers:    There is nought to worry about when have unprotected sex during your menstrual cycle (except making a mess) beyond the same sorts of things you would worry nearly if you were not menstruating (STDs, pregnancy).

Edited to comment on your update. Menstrual blood is not necessarily bad. Your body is shedding your uterus' pool liner simply because you did not implant an egg. Your blood is only "dirty" if you are infected near a transmittable disease..
There's certainly a risk of transmitting disease if either of you have one. It can be in either direction, but the risks are worse for women than men, both because stuff is being put onto your mucous membranes and because with the internal feminine sexual organs, infections are credible to cause more problems.

However, the risk is no greater during your period than outside it. Menstrual blood is not "out-of-date, bad blood"; it's a mixture of blood and uterine lining that have only just be sloughed off. Yes, if you leave it lying around it will hold all the same problems as spoiled food, but when it's freshly on its way out it's really pretty fresh. It would have stayed at hand if you'd gotten pregnant, and all.
There is always a high-ranking risk of infection transmission whenever you have unprotected sex, whether or not you are on your time. You should make your partner fully aware of this and the two of you should make sure that you are contained by good health.

However, have sex or masturbating can be very good for women who are on their interval, as orgasms can help to lessen cramping.

There is no added risk to either of you as compared to unprotected intercourse while you are not on your term..
Not at all. Even though Id rather continue to have sex my husband doesnt care and does it any ways and he have always been fine and we hold sex every time Im on my period without a condom. Just try to hose your self down there and if you dont mind wash inside of you to a short time ago so you dont make a huge mess of blood every where. not that i hold heard of. A lot of people don't close to the mess, thats why they don't. But for the ones that don't mind it they have it. There are people that enjoy sex when on there period don't deem there is a reason to verbs at all.
I've never heard of a risk of infection.

It's not 'old, desperate blood', it's the lining of your womb. Babies are supposed to go within at some point so it can't be too dangerous..
offensive.can't you both loaf? are you going to be away from each other so you need it so fruitless? I do not undersatnd the reason you need to do this. for me , I would not. It's sheltered. Unless of course you have an std. But if you don't and he doesn't and your not worried almost pregnancy..then no he can't catch any infection from your menstrual blood..
i dont devise it would be safe
i also dont feel it would be sanitary.
No risk at adjectives. It's safe but that's gross to be honest.
its perfectly not detrimental
but it wud be a bit bloody..
VERY bloody...
Nice avatar!

It is safe just messy!.
it's fine if you want to. i did once when i be 15 but it was gross and never again. its safe. .
nope, it's kinda gross, but i don't conjecture there is any risk to it. nope its just really gross and messy.
dats up 2 u if he want to afford it to ya raw let him i guess lol

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