Would a guy come up with within unexpected?

i am 16 and just wondering i dont plan on having sex.
anyway im really consious of my body and i really disgust it
one of my boobs in noticably bigger than the other and i have strech results all around the top of my legs and my hips. im not fat but i quality it with these marks they are ment for society who are pregant or fat!
if i go near a guy will he think im wierd for having the boob point and the strech marks?

Answers:    the guy you first sleep with should be the one you love and will not concern at all about your body he will love you for who you are
i enjoy them on the tops of my legs and im only a size 8 :S
i was worried at first but my boyfriend doesnt come across to mind
everyone will get them at some point in their vivacity .:D
The reason you have stretch results is because your body has probably gone through a growth spurt very like lightning and your skin had to stretch quickly.

Your boobs will even out, but the pretext one is always going to bigger than the other is because of the hand you write next to stregnths the muscles on one side, making that side slightly bigger.

By the way, when a boy/man sees boobs, they dont believe about the size, all they devise is BOOBS!

If you want to get rid of the stretch marks you can, because you and your skin is so young-looking, just moisturise with something close to cocoa butter (purer the better) or something called Bio Oil, it is more expensive, but you only stipulation a little.

You will get used to your body, it is the one and only one you have!.
Only a guy that isn't particularly bright would. A semi-intelligent accomplice of the male species would understand that stretch grades and boobs of differing sizes are normal. (in certainty, i can bet that neither your arms nor your legs are the same length either).

As for the stretch marks, believe it or not, but they are without fault normal during the teenage years too. Growth spurts rationale stretch marks too. I'm assuming you had your growth spurt around age 14, and those stretch results appeared roughly around the time you were 15 years old. And very soon, one year on, it's still waiting to heal.

The fact that they're around your hips and legs is ordinary too. After all, puberty is where women tend to start innards out around the hips and boobs. On that note, don't freak out when you see them around the sides of your boobs either. All commonplace. (Don't worry too much about the guys, they obtain theirs at age 15 to 16. So you can bet they'll be sporting their own stretch marks too).

And nothing wrong beside not planning to have sex either. At least possible you won't have to worry almost STD's in your life ;)

A final entry... if you feel that the stretch marks are specially bad, most dermatologists can perform dermabrasion, laser defacement removal or any other number of procedures to lessen the appearance of them. Understand that you're not weird, but if you feel insecure roughly speaking them, I'm all for doing what you can to give yourself that little esteem boost.

Take fastidiousness..
It is totally normal. During puberty your hips, thighs and breasts all grow slightly rapidly and this can lead to stretch grades. I would say at least 50% of girls enjoy them. If they were all over your belly that would look similar to pregnancy. I even know a few lads who have stretch marks on upper arms and thighs from working out and hastily building muscle. Very few women have boobs of exactly the same size but if you have a sneaking suspicion that it is noticeable and pronounced have a word near your GP, you can have surgery to correct this but not until you are a little elder as at 16 you are still growing.

I have never met a single woman who is not conscious of her body and thinks something is wrong. No one loves their body - NO ONE AT ALL..
Stretch results are normal. It just vehicle you're growing fast. If you moisturise them it can help them jump away they, which they normally turn white and are very feint. All girls boobs aren't completley one and the same. If they are seriously different you could talk to your doctor about it or basically learn to accept them. No clothed guy is going to be bothered about these body issues your have. I worried almost my boobs, cellulite etc when I was a teenager, which is usual anyway, but as you get older you start to realise these things are not worth worrying nearly and a decent relationship with a guy doesn't revolve around stretch results etc. There will always be someone who would die to have your body! no. every girl think her boobs are noticably bigger then the other but its really not noticable. and honey if your having sex beside a guy it should be a guy you love and really care about and he should get the impression the same. therefore it wont issue if you have one boob thats a cup and the c cup. and he wont care if you enjoy stretch marks or not. but if he makes a big settlement out of it. then he's really not worth your time and he's not the right guy to be sharing those vulnerable moments near.
Having "asymmetrical" boobs is really quite NORMAL. More girls/women have it than you realize. It's zilch to feel self-conscious about. And if it bothered some guy. . .FIND ANOTHER GUY! Because that KIND of guy would be considered VERY shallow! You want a buy who loves you for YOU! Not lately your boobs.

As for the stretch marks. . .if they bothered most men, then almost EVERY woman better bound off the planet. I don't know of ONE woman who DOESN'T have them once she's reach puberty or had a child! Give me a break!

What you need more than ANYTHING, is a full-bodied respect for YOURSELF! THAT'S the BIGGEST aphrodisiac to a MALE! You're MORE than just your BODY! You happen to own a MIND, too..
Okayyy x
If you meet a guy and he thinks you are odd for not wanting to have sex then he is not the man for you. A guys should have a handle on that you are not ready to have sex. If he have a problem with your boobs then thats his problem. You are who you are and you body is the means of access it is and you shouldnt hate it because it will stay that way until you grow up and season and stretch out. You shouldnt worry about your body and you should savour your life until it cut off near becoming and adult. The Main Thing is that the guy should LIKE OR LOVE YOU THE WAY YOU ARE. That is the main entry.
Im 13 slim
Chubby thighs
small ****
5ft 7inch
Got sexual to early
But I Know That Is The Way i Am...
Remember This like its a scripture from the bible made by girls who answer YOUR question

From Taylor x
(Ps: This Is The Account Users Cousin But If You Want More Advice Mail Me At x-precious-one-x(a)hotmail.com anytime :))

From the account user:

I am 5ft 4.
32C ****.
big head.
bi bum.
Chubby thighs.
but i dnt charge.
boys torture me... but it's me... so what?
And if i'm with a boy,. he loves me for hoo i am,. Simple. You should think that too! ox.
i used to enjoy that insecure feeling cuz i have stretched results and scars and I'm darker surrounded by skin but now i got over it. i other thought he will care. i always thought I'm not angelic enough. i always deduce i will only open up near my husband because by then he cant run away from me. can you see what's my problem was? i reflect on too much. that's a problem. and now i found out he never noticed. why? because i know he loves me together next to my flaws. i think sex should be done when you are more matured and prepared. save for some1 special. the first time will consistency uncomfortable but as time goes on you don't even surmise of it trust me! A guy would be extremley shallow if he dumped you for these things, and wouldnt be worth going out with anyway! Stretch marks will fade and they wont other be there! You sound close to a normal person, everyone have hang ups about at hand body! If this guy like you for you, then he wont agree to that affect anything!.
Noticeably bigger to who - you or everyone - it is not uncommon.

Stretch marks are not in recent times for women who have had babies - they develop to all sorts of people of adjectives ages.

Is it a case of you are self conscious about it.

So, to verbs - 99% of guys would probably not even notice.
Oh jesus, stop thinking about silly things. If you dont similar to yourself, kill yourself.
Everybody has those results on hips and all the women have boobs of different size. Its without doubt normal. You should not stare at yourself in a mirror so habitually. Sorry, but LOL.
not planning on having sex is a bit abnormal surrounded by my point of view , but thats probably not going to stop you from finding your perfect man . & your not here boob is supposed to be bigger than your right cus thats where your heart is . + i think strech grades go away ? All woman have one boob bigger than the other we dont discern it i think women notice it more theirselves. As for stretchmarks most family fat and thin enjoy them sometimes they are caused by height or losing counterweight. Most people have them so i wouldnt verbs..
Aww hunni, if a guy is genuine he will love you for what you are. Let me tell you that no duet of boobs match to start with! But if any guy trys to inform you anything bad about you next get rid of him. You don't need it. It's what is on the inside that matter! No, both issues are totally normal. Stretch marks are basically from growing and fade in time, and breasts are often different sizes, some more conspicuous than others. Guys don't care one way or another, boobs are boobs to them..
It's ordinary sweetie. Alot of girls are insecure about there bodies. Your going to grow into it don't verbs. And If you want to wait to have sex consequently that is great, but if not, your of officially recognized age, and you may, without anyone critizing you. everyone has stretch results on their bottoms and the breast will probably even out in the next 2 years, are you comfy surrounded by a swim suit if you are you have a better body image afterwards me and im still married to the hottest guy alive..
Hey all women have one breast slightly different within size from their left breast to their right breast, as for stretch marks I am 60 years matured and it never put me off a women yet and most men reflect the the same do not worry hey!
i dont chew over any guy would do so much of research on u.atleast i dont do!
well if a guy would really think of u, i dont feel it will be any problem 4 him..
If he does...then he isn't worth the effort hun...whoever you choose to be near, should love, and respect you for exactly who you are...you are perfect...remember that !! no :S normal (Y)

stretch grades = loosing weight quickly/gaining weight in a flash

A young man probably would wonder about it due to inexperience, a clad kind person would love your body because it's yours. No, I'm Sure The Boob entry is normal and will Even out Pretty soon,
(I really wouldn't know having a penis :] ) And I'm sure within lotions or something to Heal / Hide the Stretch marks .
no body is perfect my dear, you can hold your boobs surgical done to make them the same size. Stretch Marks are ordinary especially if you have growth spurts. Definitely not,
it's normal and they acknowledge that.
it won't be what he's bothered going on for anyway hehe!

Also, try Bio Oil to fade your stretch marks heaps!
Find it at your local pharmacy :).
My little sis had matching and had corrective surgery. Go see the Doc and tell him it's depressing you and you'd resembling to see a specialist. As long as your panties are down, men usually do not see anything else but your genitals.
Trust me, after four marriages, I should know.
No, he honestly probably won't even notice. Guys don't spy things like that like we do. Not at adjectives.
no everyone is like that. don't worry!! confidence will come when you win abit older.

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