Period interview. Please answer?

Does caffine make your period heavier and enjoy more blood? Is it okay to have some tea while on your period? And will it gross it worse? And can you drink cold drinks during your period? Will it make your extent thicker and more cramps?



you can drink whatever you want!! you may notice a adapt or tea can help soothe cramps but u can drink anything

Growth spurts? Anyone?

I have never read any suggestions that caffeine could kind your periods heavier.

Cold drinks are not a good model at any given time. They cool down your entire system in a violent track. when you put a glass of ice cold sea on your belly, just put it on your skin, does it feel pious? No? Well because it is not normal, it is not at the temperature that you are supposed to be. So it is next to your internal organs when you drink ice cold beberages.

Traditional -Native, Asian etc.- medicine advise against cold beberages when having your period.

You are have cramps, avoid cold and caffeine and see if there is an improvement.

If not afterwards look at what you are eating, spicy foods are also advised against.

If the cramps keep at it then you might need to do a bit more reaserch and probably see your doctor.

Heavy bleadings are to be taken seriously, could be many things...

Keep a journal of your period, make sure that if there is a refusal pattern you know well when and how and near that in your hand see your doctor.


one entity that is important is that when you hold your period you shouldn't jump around and run greatly or else you will be constantly bleeding and your stomach will probably hurt a few hours after that, well I'm not sure if this is true, but my best friend told me this
and she said this happen to her.

Nipples broken. Any thinking?

It doesn't make a difference at all what you drink and pursuit will help ease cramps and product your cycle lighter

Hey what does thiis suggest and isit okay?

drink anything it doent really make a diff

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