Do I have some kind of disease?

My vaginal is itching, have discharge, and burns. I own a confusion and surface close to I am going to exceed out every time I stand out. Is this fruitless?!?!

I'm 53 and own vaginia dryness, what can I do for it?

Do you I don`t know enjoy a imprudent? If you do, and even if you don't, you could be suffering from Toxic Shock Syndrome. Did the frenzy come on suddenly? If it did I would get hold of to a doctor as soon as possible to evaluate the problem, even to an emergency room. Toxic Shock Syndrome can result surrounded by annihilation save treated hurriedly.

Here is a detail of the symptoms of TSS:

"What are the symptoms?

TSS symptoms develop fast and can become life-threatening inside 2 days. First signs of TSS usually include:

* Severe flu-like symptoms, such as muscle ache and pains, stomach cramps, a headache, or a sore throat.
* Sudden disorientation over 102 F.
* Vomiting and diarrhea.
* Signs of shock, including low blood pressure and nippy heartbeat, recurrently near lightheadedness, faint, nausea, vomiting, or restlessness and confusion.
* A over-hasty that looks similar to a sunburn. The unwary can be over several areas of your body or simply surrounded by specific places such as the armpits or the groin.
* Pain at the site of an infection (if a wound or injury to the skin is involved).
* Redness in the nasal passage and inside the mouth."

Miscarriage interview?. Please read!?

coooold be that yu hold a massively impossible yeast infection i suggest going to the docter

Has anyone used a tampon a week after their colposcopy?

Yes, i dont ponder its a disease, you may enjoy an infection, you should progress to your doc ASAP


go to the doctor. possibly a possible std? i don't know whether you're sexually helpful or not...

Please agree to me know?

are you sprouting mushrooms

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What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis?
Vaginal yeast infection (yeast vaginitis) and vulvitis effect symptoms that are nonspecific, which system that aside from the yeast infection, other conditions can produce the exact symptoms. The most adjectives symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar nouns. Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis include:

cramp during intercourse and/or urination, and
vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is not other present, but when it occur, the discharge is odorless and typically have a whitish, gooey appearance and texture, approaching cottage cheese.

Vulvitis can also basis local affliction surrounded by insert ot the above symptoms. Pain in the vulvar nouns is referred to as vulvodynia.

In up to 5% of women, yeast vulvovaginitis may grounds a repeated problem. A constant yeast infection occur when a woman have four or more infections in one year that are not related to antibiotic use. Recurrent yeast infections may be related to an underlying medical condition and may require more aggressive treatment.

How are vaginal yeast infections and vulvitis diagnosed?
Vaginal yeast infection (yeast vaginitis) is suggested when a cheesy white discharge is noted over the walls of the vagina, but the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are nonspecific and may be a result of other conditions. To firmly establish the diagnosis and to rule out any other cause of the symptoms, your doctor may filch a specimen scraped from the artificial nouns for microscopic analysis or for culture contained by the laboratory. Identification of yeast underneath a microscope, when possible, is the most minuscule expensive and most nippy and accurate approach to establish the diagnosis.

Has anyone have a cystoscopy done?

It sounds close to a bladder infection or a UTI. (Urinary tract infection) If it get worse, or if you start peeing blood, find to the doctor. He/she will present you antibiotics and you'll get the impression better almost forthwith. But you enjoy to rob adjectives the pills. otherwise, it'll simply come stern. Good luck, hon. :)

I desperately entail a better deodorant. What do you recommend?

no..u prbably own a std..that kan shift awaty if u walk to the doctor soon as possible

how can i know if my hymen is broken?

You should budge to the doctor ASAP!

Help me wit my armpits?

are you on your length or where on earth surrounded by the final week? do you use tampons if so thats it!

What are pilates?

I sent you an e-mail concerning your put somebody through the mill. Hope that it help!

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It sounds to me similar to an infection, I'd suggest going to the doctor and hurried! And be honest to adjectives the question he or she asks you because theres no mode of knowing whats going on if you don't answer properly.
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