Please give support to! I'm worried in the order of work, because i'm taking a sick morning?

Hi. I've been at my place of work for 11 weeks (this monday lately gone). About 4 weeks ago, my manager said I be struggling and needed to improve within two weeks or I may get sack. I worked really hard and he said I'd superior well, but be still under pressure to assert my good standards.

I started to have a feeling ill on saturday but hold stuck it out of work out of worry that have a sick day will attain me sacked. However today I grain so ill and call in sick. He didn't nouns happy on the phone and said "so, what have it just come on consequently?"

He didn't seem convinced and presently I'm sooo worried i'm going to get the sack. I can't stop crying. What should I do? If I progress in to work presently it'll seem strange coz I call in!?

Answers:    He cannot sack you for have one sick day. That would be totally unreasonable. Just explain you really be too sick to attend and were also concerned that if you did walk in, you would potentially infect other staff member and cause a greater problem. People do become not a hundred percent and illness can develop hastily so try not to worry too much. I would look for another opening with a more believable boss. Good Luck
People get sick adjectives the time, it's a fact of enthusiasm. He can't sack you because you've taken a day rotten sick so don't worry ok so are you really unwell to step to work or are you just opinion a little yuk? if your on the internet next you cant be that sick ..

you would have be better to go to work and afterwards if you were really unwell they would see it and send you home...
Sounds similar to you need to achieve a new profession, one where the boss doesn't treat you approaching sh*t all the time!

In any defence, going in to work won't be "strange", if anything it should demonstrate that you really be sick...if you were fake it then you wouldn't enjoy bothered. Seriously though, it sounds like you're still not fancy well, is this duty really worth risking your health over?
Your boss sounds resembling a real tremble, he cannot sack you for being realistically ill. Go to the doctor and variety sure there is a account of you being in poor health in grip that does happen. if you are sick you are sick possibly get an appointment near gp for proof with a sick facts
I understand what you parsimonious, but if you're ill, you're under the weather, you can't help that. If you are really worried you could budge and get a doctor's warrant to prove it, but I wouldn't worry too much he can't sack you for taking soon off when you are bad. Look your sick you called contained by some ppl take control of sick days but if your sick you have the right to a sick daylight altough you may be required to basicly prove it since you kno ppl do tend to take ascendancy so you might be asked for a dr. note. as they cant fire you for anyone truely sick. But if you called surrounded by sick and didnt bring a dr note when asked or w/e you can .. But from the sounds of it the assignment your at dont seem to treat you resourcefully so if you do get fired of it im sure theres things you can do aside from gettin a brand new job. Good luck and hope you quality better.
i agree with confused. if you be to sick to go to work your to sick to shift on the computer. he cant sack you for having a hours of daylight off work but as your still on probation he can sack you cos its not 'working out' which contained by other words will be cos he thinks your crap at your undertaking and you called within sick. my advice..bring back another job. he can,t sack you simply because you are off sick,if you don,t have a feeling well afterwards just transport a self sicknote in,your boss should not threaten you near the sack for no appaerent or genuine cause,try not to worry almost it he just sounds similar to a power freak.
wow you need to RELAX! you nouns so stressed out and wound up its not even funny, your boss wont sack you, he's just anyone a moody **, and you can't take it one-sidedly when he critisices your preformance, if your that worried get a doctors not lately in crust, but my advice is to pray, monitor your favourite movie, ring up a friend and take a nice long soak contained by your tub. cannot believe your boss is treating you like this!
everybody get sick sometimes you cannot help it, you inevitability to find a new undertaking hunny, my bosses are really great and never care if i hold a day past its sell-by date sick.
Good luck
His loss he cant sack you because you are sick everyone feels sick at times even your boss.So they dontt complain when they are stale sick why should you ? Take the days off until your in good health and if he fires you ,then he wasent worth it and he shouldent be puting you beneath lots of preasure.So he is a rubish boss take adjectives the days off sick you call for.He should just go off you alone and stop bugging you .

Hope this helps :)
Well it sounds close to you need a clean job.

How abundant paid sick days do you gain? I would get a investigational job after call contained by sick (in order to return with that sick pay) before quitting! Your boss sounds resembling a nasty piece of work.
ok so are you really unwell to be in motion to work or are you just thought a little yuk? if your on the internet next you cant be that sick ..

you would have be better to go to work and consequently if you were really poorly they would see it and send you home...
Hi Red Cat,
I'm sorry just about your situation, your boss sounds like a complete b'stard. In a strange passageway, if he gives you the sack, that might be for the best. No-one should own to worry in the order of their job so much.
Two other points:
1. You could be in motion to see your GP and ask for a sick note
2. Is nearby a Union Rep. at the place where you work? He/she should know how to help you.
Hope it works out ok.
My previous employer were similar to this as well. You own the right to have time past its sell-by date if you are sick. If they have a problem you can ring up the labor board. Dont go to work immediately, relax, take a tub and take nurture of yourself. I dont know your circumstances financially but I would look for another job. You dont want to be in motion through having a dick as a boss. Especially one who have a problem with you self sick once. well if u are that concerned perchance it might be wise to be in motion to your doctors tell him how u surface and ask him if it is possible to write u a note wise saying u were contained by and u were geniuely ailing and give that to ur boss when u dance in
he sounds approaching an a$$. I wouuld just quit. Don't verbs my boss says I'm ** at my living all the time and I call for to seriously considerer my future near the company. He's been saw that for two years, he's just an ** hole trying to terrify you I doubt he'll sack you over one sick day.

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