Period Question.?

Ok Someone I kno have have their length for a month, She would acquire bad it for a few days and consequently start rear legs again for 4-5 days and she wishes to kno what is wrong near her.
she asked me this tonight and I enjoy absolutly no answers for her. so I granted to come on here and ask

Help Please I am worried!?

Tell your friend to dance to the doctor..Thats not mundane. Best of luck!!

About the contraception Pill!?

You should put in the picture her that she should check beside her doctor because their may be something wrong next to her. It is not mundane to own period similar to that.

Does anyone else own this problem when during "that time of the month"?

id influence u progress to the doctor. i hold a friend that have her extent for something like a month too and it kept gettin heavier. i dont know but shes ok now.

Does vaginal discharge flow between time or newly until that time interval?

First, she should see a doctor and obtain a PAP smear if she hasn't have one just now. Is she bleeding calorific or insubstantial? There are so tons things that can motive this mode of irregularity its best to own a physician check her over for safekeeping reason.
Small cysts contained by the ovaries can lead to these so its best to own a doctor check her to find out if explicitly the problem.

I am have trouble getting damp since sex?

it is a hormone point some time you enjoy to thieve birth control pills to return with regulated.Its no biggie. Find a flawless gyn and he will fix her up.

Could me have a Cold obstruction my Period?

my friend have this when she first started gettig her length. she may be fine, but its best to reach a deal to her mom, or see a doctor
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