My mom is 40 and have have her menstrual time of year for 30 days immediately, what could be wrong?

Answers:    Could be a bunch of things. Fibroids, onset of menopause, endometrial dysplasia, you baptize it. She probably needs a diagnostic and threaputic D&C to find out the produce!
she could be going into menopause. its possible. she should go see a doctor though. could be menopause, she better gain to the gyno ASAP!
She could be experiencing the beginnings of menopause. She should go to her doctor for a check up. They may prescribe the pill to preserve her cycles regular.

Good luck, and I hope this helps! :)
She desires to see her doctor. Many things. After ten days you must see a GYN. There maybe a hormone problem, ovarian cyst, fibroid tumors, infection. It may also be menopause. And, prolonged bleeding can and will front to anemia. She must see her doctor ASAP
My mom was have the same problem. When she go to the gyn she found out she was pre- menopausal and she have fibroids. She eventually had to hold a partial hysterectomy. She needs to see a GYN. That happen to me fourteen years ago when I was 32 solely I went longer than that.

Usually when that happen, it's due to ovulation stopping, but it could be from other causes more terrifying.

She needs to see her gyn to find out why she is bleeding and to treat it.

Menopause does not wreak you to bleed that long.
There are many things that could motivation it. She should see her doctor. Most likely it is zero major and is well treated but she should get it taken trouble of. There is no need for her to step through that. Try to get her to see her doc. I would suggest that she lug a pregnancy test rapidly.

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