Girls PLEASE HELPP!! -monthly stuff?

ok. this month on my period it resembling lasted 2 days (today is second day and its resembling stopping).. is that normal? will it be longer & grasp worse? HELPPP!


First off, don't freak out at adjectives. It's totally normal for respectively month of your period to vary than the last. One basis is you may not have have it for that long so you're body is still adjusting to shifting. Or, what sometimes helps, for me it did anyways, is I'm on the pill and that regulates my period every month. If you have any other question, I'd suggest talking to your gyno. Hope this help!

I have this milk coming out of my breast im not pregnant, doctor think it might be some type of brain tumor ?

Mine has alwasy be 2 days on, 1 day off, 3 days on. DOnt verbs about it, bodies metamorphose! :)

My sister was kill by her boyfriend?

some people own shorter periods. BE indebted!

If you are truly concerned, make an appt beside your Doc!

Good Luck!

If ive had a miscarriage would a audition still say i be pregnant?

Thats normal it happen to me a coulpe times and my doc said it was commonplace it has to do beside exersise and what you were consumption before paw

If you are on birth control and usually get a regular length, can stress cause you to miss a interval?

this so normal some folks that i know only later for 3 days and then the subsequent month it only lastes for 5 days. it's without blemish normal, dont verbs too much. but if it does conmtinue for three months straignt contact a doctor

Am I not protected on birth control anymore if I missed the first day Sunday start?

That's fine. Periods can later from one day to ten days.

How long should it lift for my iron to come back up after pregnancy?

yes thats run of the mill.I suggest you wear an ultra thin because contained by another two or three days you might come back on for similar to a day or two.

Why did i own a period twice within one month?

lucky you. mine used to last for give or take a few 8 days =P

if you've just hit puberty after no prob. you'll continue varying. eventually you MIGHT get regular. some culture never do. i had to start birth control to grasp more regular... but then i quit and presently we're having a boy. lol.

don't verbs. be happy it's so short. ^_^

Does a virgin wife add more exitment to a husband?

Sometimes that will happen. Just be wary because sometimes it likes to trick you. Like it will be really reading light and then run away for a day but next will come back. I'm other cautious for the entire week from the 1st hours of daylight i get it. Always take something with you purely in travel case. And if you're younger, then it will usually be irregular for the first couple years.

For times past few days I have be having this clear jelly similar to discharge. What is this?

it hapends its just not so long (lucky you)

Women: Question something like menstrual cramps?

Hey hon. I've noticed that sometimes it approaching goes on and rotten. Like it will go for a couple of days and come across like its quitting but the subsequent day be stronger again. You'll merely have to lurk to find out. Also, sometimes it just last longer some months than others - which pretty much isnt a big deal at adjectives. Just relax and wait, Im guessing that subsequent months things will be the same as usual. Take concern and relax! :)

My girlfriend has one boob slightly bigger than the other oneI devise she's a freak, is it normal?

It can kinda travel weird similar to that sometimes, especially if you're doing something different with your body--starting a contemporary diet, trying out a new exercise program, etc. I denote, there are women who hit menopause by 30, but it's irregular. It may just be vastly light this month if you're doing something different. I wouldn't verbs unless it lasts resembling 2-3 months.

If I have Endometriosis?

it should be fine

Is within anything a 12 year old can help yourself to if she cant sleep well?

Well at lowest your getting your period, if you weren't that could possibly be a sign of infertility (being infertile and not being competent to have children)

You can't be so sure its closing moments. Sometimes the blood flow could be slow at one point then speed up again. That's why its righteous to use a pad/tampon/etc for about a week or until your clearly sure its gone.

As far as it getting longer and worse, it shouldn't really, unless this is rare and your usual menstrual extent lasts longer. Each month, the feminine reproductive system prepares for a possible pregnancy.

Take a look at this...

Its a picture of a typical menstrual period. its the ultimate chart there. The menstrual time of year is about 7 days and your ovulation length is about 21 days. If your interval usually lasts lone two-three days , then it finances that your ovulation and opportunity to become pregnant will come at the same time as your extent.

However, if your only 15, 16, conceivably even 17 and 18, or under, its unyielding to really say anything. Your body is still growing.

Hope that help.

Ladies where can I buy my wife a nice vibrator?

for my first time it was approaching that. but then the subsequent day it be there again. if it stopped later wear a pad for a daytime or two just within case

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