Seriously please help/answer?

Has anyone asked their doctors almost using tampons (before they started)? If so, how did you ask and what be their response? Also be it really discomfited? And how did you come up beside the courage to ask? I'm troubled to ask my pediatrician and trying to come up near view on how to ask.

Really TMI?

yes i did!! only ask "im curious if tampons are secure to use and transmit me some things nearly them that are benifits"!! the doctor will explain it great and u will get the impression cofident to use them :)!.. all right my mom be within the room w/ me so it be kinda embaressing but not really! i be sick of pad and i really looked-for 2 use tampons! my mom didnt want me 2 so i have to consent to her know they where on earth not dangerous! that be my with the sole purpose hope!! pluse im a rime skater and i inevitability tampons instead of pad! try tampax pearl they are great

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What do you stipulation to ask nearly? I'm sure your doctor would be more than optimistic to answer any question you own. That's what they're within for!

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Why would you start using tampons up to that time you started? You can get hold of TSS if you use them when you don't hold a spell. And you don't entail to ask a docter to use them. They are not discomfited, you can't even discern them.

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just ask...your doctor is a perfessional and its his assignment to answer adjectives your medical question. plus turst me they hold hear and see much more embarissing and discusting things than using tampons. you should really ask your gyno and not your pediatrician. however your pediatricain should be capable of answer it.

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You don't requirement to ask the doc give or take a few using tampons. Just follow the directions that come on the sheet in the box and you should be fine. Make sure you move them as recurrently as you can so you do not finale up getting toxic shock syndrome. Everything you have need of to know is on for a time tabloid within the tampon box. :)

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all robustness comfort providers are professional- they get the message your concerns in the order of unknown and unexpected stuff close to tampons. It's as humiliated as you kind it- remember, they are the professional on the subject! you are paying them for their knowlege! It's not chance for them at adjectives to answer question similar to that! within certainty, have an idea that around every query you enjoy and right it down. If you are have that much anxitey just about seeing the doc, you will forget your question when you first see em'!

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I never asked my doctor more or less using them. I a short time ago took them from my mom, read the instructions in the box, and kept trying till I finally get it. It's trickier than it seem, so you might get hold of frustrated. I know I did! It freshly take some practice, and near's zero close to "the right age" or doesn`t matter what to use them. You can use them as soon as you start have period. They're not discomfited if you in recent times use the regular size.

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It really isn't that impossible. Just report him or her and you hold started your women hood if they don't already know and in recent times let somebody know them you are frightened give or take a few tampoons but, you only can`t bear using pad. Think of it close to this they hold see and hear alot worse afterwards what you are going to inform them. And if you don't enlighten your doctor they wont know how you discern. I hold other told my doctor everything and it is chance at first but, once you even start conversation it get alot easier and don't verbs i promise they own hear alot worse.

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I didn`t ask my doctor,but I did ask my aunt(i`m not close to my mom). I don`t even surface them. If you perceive it...lift it out and try getting a investigational one contained by. Good Luck!
I use Tampax Pearl.
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