How tall do you think I'll get?
Im 14 and I'm 5.6 and1/4. I am a girl. Both my parents are 5.10. I enjoy osgood slaughters. and my brother grew to be over 6 foot towering.
There really isn't anyway to share. You will PROBABLY be close to your parents, but bar that it would be a guess to articulate exactly how towering you'll be.
u will grow until ur 16 close to most girls do
so...resourcefully im not sure the average amount of inches someone grows over 2 years
but u will prby b 5 10 or tallewr
How can a skinney girl achieve bigger?
wowzerz. i must be a giant. im 11 & 5'5 and a partly...ull be lucky to arrive at 6 foot!:)I inserted something in my vagina. it be a finger long but i did not bleed. Am i still a virgin?
Look at your kith and kin, probability are you could confidently engender 5'10".More Questions & Answers...