Is it possible that I have high blood pressure?

When I acquire ticked bad my heart starts race, my facade turns red and feel hot.. and I also receive buoyant head. When my fiance make me batty it may later 2-3 minutes. If it's something that make me wacky.. and it doesn't settle ably beside me.. consequently it could concluding up to an hour.

Background info: I'm 22, I've be smoking a pack of cigarettes a daytime for 3 years. I'm an average counterweight, but I have a horrible diet.

I hold an overexcited libido. VERY overexcited.?

When you become angry your body produces stress hormones -adrenaline anyone the leading one-this prepares your body for "brawl or flight" . In doing so the adrenaline dilates blood vessel and make the heart pounding faster. Naturally you would run or barney which would afterwards "neutralise'" the effects of the adrenalin. As you do not the effects that you describe keep at it. The best opening to rest is to embezzle exercise such as a hurried meander or run.
In nonspecific jargon -STOP smoking and promote your diet-you already know that-therefore no point labour the reality.

Do you enjoy elevated blood pressure? unlikely at your age but other worth have it checked. If you are on the pill it would be checked on a regular cause any mode.

The adjectives do as we enjoy already suggested -will increase you coincidence of long natural time and a hearty pregnancy at the right time

I stipulation a doctors give a hand?

Of course the possibility exists.

Birth control grill?

You don't in general obtain light-headed unless your blood pressure is low but it wouldn't hurt to bring back it checked out.
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