Tremendous amount of orgasms..

Would you believe me if I said I had 57 orgasms in an hour and a partially???

Or would you think I am a liar. Just curious...

Its true, i niggardly, you dont have to believe me, I was elevated, so every
little touch was out of this world.

I know, you all will criticize and voice its not true, but I know
it is.

Tell me if this is a world record or something?

Whats the biggest amount of orgasm you have
instinctively had?

Answers:    If I didn't have to bear drugs to achieve that, that would be fantastic =)
You actually counted respectively one?
I've heard it can happen while on rapture, but I have no personal experience.

Stay away from drugs!

And my biggest amount, I would say possibly 8. In one night. I thought I was lucky after..
^^^^^No need to stay away from drugs, just use your organizer. Learn as much as you can about any substance that you consider ingesting and do it safely and responsibly. :)

But I believe you. The most I've ever have in one day is probably around 20-25 minus exaggeration, and damn was I ever sore. It was shortly after I have turned eighteen and my best friend and I both went to my current place of employment (now, a few years later, not then) and bought tons of toys and lubes and adjectives kinds of nifty things and then have a contest. Not in the same room beside each other or anything, just texted the numbers wager on and forth. Good times, and I won. Definitely check out the O'My clitoral stimulation gel, it's worth every penny. ;)

Most of my chosen "mind exploring" substances would make orgasm very difficult, and I'd to some extent just take surrounded by as much from the experience as possible without all of the body nouns sex or masturbation would add to the trip, so I've honestly never tried to achieve orgasm while beneath the influence.

Oh, the place of employment is Lover's Lane if you were curious. .
11 in one hours of darkness
I guess with the drug or whatever u be doing it probably made it possible for u to have 57 in an hour and a partially
but it wouldnt be a record cause u used drugs to arrive at it,
kinda like an athelete who defies probability but they find out their on steriods...
just doesnt click.
I believe you. There are women who can do that; have multiple orgasms. Just depends on the woman, and you evolve to be a lucky one. lol .....I almost don't believe you, but there are certain "Diseases" that can allow that. Ehm, more approaching sexual anomalies..
oh come on now, were you keeping win on a paper.

every time you got an orgasm you approaching "orgasm 23, orgasm 24, orgasm 25." or what?.
I just think its chance that you counted them. Multiple orgasms are common for girls, we are lucky in that instrument, poor guys lose out! ahahahahaha, mack you're hilarious!.
I believe I would love you google "persistent sexual arousal syndrome"

you'll find ur answer

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