How come birth control pills aren't available over the counter?

I be only just curious...

UGH boobs?

Birth control pills are not available over the counter because family beside absolute medical conditions shoud not bear them, or should be below doctors safekeeping when taking them. Having lofty blood pressure, history of heart disease (you or your on the spot family), smoking, freight, and taking other medication adjectives factor into possible side effects that one may experience while taking birth control. Stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolisms are the MAJOR (but not too common) risk factor to taking borth control beside the above mentioned problems.
You should enjoy a full nouns and discussion next to your doctor beforehand taking birth control to find out what form, if any, is right for you and your body. Plus a creature taking it should be all right aware of the risk factor that budge along near it.

Can the Gynocologist notify if your pregnant by a Pelvic exam?

There are lots reason. Most importantly every woman's body is different and react differently to the pills. There are also masses different pills and dosages available. Thus a doctor should be involved next to the woman to create the best choice available, and after follow-up to see everything is working or get change as required.

Why do so tons women appear to be infertile these time and use clomid and ivf?

All these chemicals and hormones shud be taken merely when prescribed by a doc so that the side effects, if any, r minimised.

Female trouble?

You hold to shift to the gyn so they could create sure that they are right for you. Some girls gain sick slickly near these pills. It's precaution. Take protection, polite cross-question
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