Can overdosing on laxatives formulate you miscarry?

a co-worker has had two unwanted pregnancies and both times she took two boxes of laxatives and drank a full bottle of "milk of magniesa" and miscarried in 48 hours...coincidence?

My virgina make farting sounds during sex!?

Well, since women don't crap out their babies, I'm thinking your co-worker has a vivid imagination. :D

Just because you're supposed to avoid certain things during pregnancy doesn't necessarily build those things abortifacient. I've read a lot of "folk medicine" home-abortion claims, but I don't buy most of them. Or recommend them either.

Men birth control?

Ladies: Did your cellulite increase or moderate after menopause?
Help? please?
Youngest age to start?
  • How long does it transport for birth control to start working
  • Worried! 2 months pregnant beside slight runny coloured discharge.?

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