Problem with boyfriend?

I have a minor punch-up the other darkness near my boyfriend where on earth things get out of paw and he pushed me kinda sturdy, I be so pissed past its sell-by date and he wearing his boxers so I reach into and grab his dick and squeezed it really strong. It have no effect on him at adjectives! Ive be told my undamaged go that a guys penis is really sensitve and whenever he give you troulbe to hit them at hand? what is the problem why is my guy diffferent?

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The penis is not that sensitive to pressure. You hit men contained by the ball, presently those impossible boys are sensitive. Good GOD are they.

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neither one of you should be pushing, hitting, grab.What if he grab your boobs it would hurt. I am sure it did hurt him but guys are tough and proud. Don't lose respect consequently you enjoy zilch.

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May be it did'n hurt him at adjectives.

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I don't know what his problem is, possibly he really did quality it and he purely held it within so that you would be more upset or he have no premonition within. But i.e. not the point. He really requirements not to be pushing you or hitting you at adjectives. It doesn't issue if you hit him stern. You call for to not be next to someone who become slighting when you hold an argument. I hope that you can resolve this and I suggest that if he get unruly again, you don't clash wager on, you merely sign out him. For apposite. Good luck!


May be he didnt reveal that it hurt..I agree near the first answer....

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Break up near him since he beat the crap out of you. If this be simply a minor scrap I would loathe to see a most important one.

First time ?

the penis is sensitive within a sexual process the ball ar e only just plain sensitive if u looked-for to hurt him u should own grabbed/kicked/hit his ball

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It's not so much their penis that's sensitive; it's their ball.

And if your relationship is this angry, later WHY are you beside him? Cling to your friends during this time and seriously consider dumping him. If he can push you around in a minute, envisage what he will be doing in a couple of years down the road. Imagine if you be to enjoy kids near him and the kids have to see this.

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No, he's typical. It's the go before and ball that are sensitive. The shaft (which is what you probably grabbed) is crinkly near muscle. Actually, it feel kinda suitable when it get pulled on!
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