Help Im Bleeding?

I am bleeding from my vagina! what should i do?


I am a 12 year matured girl and I own a request for information.?

its ok to own your time again don't verbs. concluding week you probably of late have your pre spell.

What do I do if I hold be bleeding for a month?

its ur extent put a wadby

Im not sure why but lately my breasts have be hurting.. what may be the problem and what doctor do i see?

you might be on your term.

Could this really be my PERIOD?

Ummm.... simply not going answer if u dont know what ur extent is

I return with stressed recurrently. is it b/c of my puberty?

Is it a time? How older are you? Tell your mum.

Do guys precision around how a girl looks 'down in attendance'?

you must be markedly immature, you hold till your 18 for your period to be regular. Don't verbs it's completely fine, it is average pls don't verbs at your age your hormones are harmonizing and they're crazy so stuff resembling that will start to you contained by a while.

Good Luck! ;D

I've hear that stretching can also abet you to grow. What stretches can you prescribe as a growing tool?

I am not sure how behind the times you are because if you are elder than 8, later you should know explicitly your interval.

You must be humour, but i will humor you anyway. That is your spell and you requirement to update an elder womanly grown preferably and they will backing you obtain some sanitary napkins. Go online read up almost "puberty", that will explain it adjectives.

How did i procure a FLUE?

you probably popped your cherry

How long is your 1st length on Depo-Provera?

I read your other question that you posted today, and I hold to ask you.are you playing around?

A) Do not hold sex if you don't know what to expect.

B) If you aren't outmoded satisfactory to know what your time is, or why you bleed after sex, you of course aren't feeble adequate to drink.

C) If your best friend is turning 12, I can't think that you are much elder. Don't you enjoy to be 13 to even obtain an tale?

D) As to your "You're not helping!" complaints, I meditate you enjoy a touch bit of growing up to do.any your age, or your sense of humor...beforehand you grasp some answers that you will figure out.
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