Menapause question?

my mum turned 50 this year and still is have her monthly cycles,is this common?when can she expect to stop have her monthly.she get physical sick every month and some times have 2 period.but her stupid dr.wont due eny entry to backing her,only keep her doped up.thanks

Any direction?

menopause can go off at 45 to 50 she is close and yes beforehand menopause in that are some problems next to the actuality the ovaries r giving rotten the reminding ova and after stop.don't rush things.only run near the typical nouns of time.and still she have to traffic near physiological change after menopause.but she shall fiddle with it rapid.permit her see another doctor although 2 cycles per month happen to little girls too.may be her ovaries r purely live...virtuous luck

Iam 24 feminine, hold irregular period, enjoy white dischages more during commonplace days , is it infection?

Go to a bright doctor. And I regard it's ok. Some women hold have babies at that age.

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I get my first term! aid please?

ya specifically typical, they usually stop contained by untimely 50's (so ive heard) if the doctor wont do anything, consequently we cant do anything any but notify u that its middle-of-the-road, srry bout it tho

I own already have my time for over 2 weeks!?

get a up to date dr.

What is tri nessa?

Doctors are not stupid first of adjectives and second of adjectives that perversely be a particularly rude comment! They step to college for abundant years and specialize contained by these subjects so they do know best after adjectives.

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just mete out your 50, doesn't penny-pinching you should imedietly enjoy menopause, but i suggest getting a tentative doctor

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Sounds resembling shes starting menopause...I started it at 53...I would achieve 2 period a month..terribly starchy I would move about conceivably 6 weeks in the past getting another.this last for almost 8 months afterwards the period would achieve farther and farther apart til they finally stopped a year ago...I never took any meds though...Its probably conventional..Periods newly procure crazy during this time...correct luck to your mom

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She wishes a unsullied doctor, one who won't maintain her doped up. Menopause can go down as untimely as contained by the 20's and as belated to within the 60's. With her have multiple cycles, it could be a sign of uterine fibroids or a more serious condition, but individual a doctor can determine the etiology. But, please, she wants a contemporary doctor..a more sympathetic one at that.

What can you do or what brand or exvcirse make ur boobs bigger?

you can own your extent when you are 50 or elder. and you can enjoy your time when you are going through menapause, you simply wont grasp it as commonly
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