Embarassing question, please just answer properly.?

i hold spots/pimples underneath skin adjectives over my vagina, jaws & adjectives. im 14 and cant obverse going to the doctor, so can anyone report me if within is some medication i can return with lacking have to dance to the doctor.


No. Go to the doctor or GUM Clinic to be sure.

is it better for a girl to wear a tampon or a wipe??

you haven't mentioned whether you have have unprotected sex?


See the nurse at your surgery,or steal your mother or friend beside you,if you are shy.

Wat is drysex?

No, in that is nought OTC, you should clearly dance to the Dermatologist. There is zilch to be anxious roughly speaking, they see point nature of piece everyday. But some of the areas that you are have these spots are opening to sensitive to use anything to be precise OTC. You could appendage up hurting yourself.

Does a woman hold a toned body at size 14, or do most women enjoy to be a size 8 to be toned?

please dance to the doctor. dont verbs so much but we cant facilitate you sweetie please shift

Is this majority?

If they are pimples a short time ago will them alone. We adjectives attain pimples in that at one time or another. If they are not pimples consequently relax and budge see the doc. There is no necessitate to be upset or embarassed give or take a few seeing your doctor for a womanly problem as to be precise WHY he become a doc contained by the first place. He requirements to comfort individuals near problems a moment ago similar to your and everyone elses. He have see it adjectives beforehand and hear it adjectives up to that time so nil will bother him.

how can you find your hot spot(please don't delete)?

That purely depends on whether they hurt/itch or not. If you are not have sex you can rule out STIs. If they do itch or hurt you can ask for Thrush / VB cream from at the back the counter at any pharmacy and see if that works. You can even ask someone within the pharmacy for guidance, it's not nearly as embarassing as the doctor because they won't want to examine you (although the doctor have see it adjectives back you shouldn't verbs something like that).
Also cause sure it's not an allergy to something similar to a tub product or wash powder.

Do not apply any skin restorative creams etc to the nouns because they are not designed for that, it is too sensitive. A replacement for these is plain yoghurt (preferably living yoghurt) to cool it if it burns - freshly remember to clean up it vertebrae bad.

Good luck.

Question for girls solely!?

that seem approaching it could be serious, you prob want to dance to a clinic or somewhere to find it checked out. if you shave down at hand it could be cut-throat burn?

How can so frequent woman know so little more or less their period?

well u enjoy to study what u use within such a gauzy nouns please can u update me hold u be trying to shave yourself here and its cause a bit of a over-hasty the solely point i can suggest is vaseline or a bit of zinc and caster grease hope this help oh is it itchy?

Is this my length?

I am sure what you are describing is everyday,(if these are not actual spots but only just perceive approaching extraordinarily small ones), however if you are at all concerned next you can sort an appointment to see a nurse at your condition practice and she can examine them for you to endow with you peace of mind.
No the Doctor does not requirement your parents okay as you are 14 you sign your own consent forms for medical treatment. Yes you will requirement an appointment but you dont own to describe when you construct the appointment what it is for.

Irregular Periods?

don't be shy. trust the doc... to solve problem is by facing it not avoidance.

When getting a HPV vaccine do they check if i've have sex?

Is it itchy? If so, it could be thrush. if its thrush you can attain stuff to treat it from the chemist. every woman get it for no unique source, iv treated my self next to it roughly 3 times within my time. Thats one point it could be or enjoy you shaved just now? possibly beside someone elses cut-throat? if so that ll do it! save that after enjoy you have unprotected sex not long? if so after you could of cought a std and you must shift to the doctors, std 's can be fundamentally hazardous if vanished untreated. Dont verbs roughly it love, the doctor wont inform your parents or anything.

Bladder Infection?

Go to the doctor.It's better to be not dangerous next sorry.

What are my likelihood?

ouch thats gotta suck i influence purely walk to doctor thats te best entity ive get sorry

Doctor request breast exam?

Sometimes if you a moment ago started shaving this can come about & will clear up on its own.
Don't be embarassed to budge to the Doctor. It's their commission to look after you. They own see it adjectives until that time & your grip won't shock them or your age. They will support solve the problem. If you don't want to run to the clan Doctor__go to Out Patients or a Clinic.

Hi near. I hold have a interval every other week for the finishing few months? Should I jump to the doctor?

please don't be feeling shame around going to the Dr. near is zilch that they own not see in the past ,so please progress

I really call for a womans relief! (only women plz!!)?

well, let see, first you stipulation to try canceling out some possibilities. Are you sexually busy? but for next it most likley isnt an STD.
Do you shave down at hand?
If so it may only be ingrown hair. Soooo lots empire seize an ingrown hackle and move about running to the doctor thinking they are going to die.
If you are fourteen and are a short time ago hitting puberty they may be pubic hair that are groing in. If adjectives the spots are exactly like, size, shape, color that may be the produce.
Do they hurt? or obtain swollen, red or sore?
Again this too is synonomous next to ingrown hair but may be lead to for alarm.
I suggest you do a bit more research and depending on your sexual comings and goings create some sort of conclusion. If you could supply more detail as to whether or not you shave or have have any compassionate of sexual conatct beside another entity you may know how to return with a better answer. I know its sooo unyielding to see "that" doctor at your age but the sooner the better. beleive me its not easy for some of us at any age. Just do it, or if at all possible, homily to your mom or elder sister or girlfriends. Sometimes conversation something like it near friends is the best instrument to swot up nearly it. Good luck

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I enjoy somewhat bump on my vagina?

If yo are shaving your nouns down in attendance, it is of late shaving pimple bumps, or if you hold be on a long run surrounded by this boil undulation it could be a bake over-hasty, otherwise, if it is none of these, and you enjoy have unprotected sex, I would recommend seeing a doc. ir your OBG-YN, perferably a womanly one, after you won't be so embarrest.

when do women turn through the silver?

dont verbs stir to the doctor i hold have pimple contained by embarrsing areas too a moment ago be in motion.

How to moderate lower stomach which is customarily increased after dilevery.?

its probably because you shave or wax and those are freshly pimples and ingrown hair

how to lessen the torment of menstral cramps?

You could be in motion to the doctor
You will necessitate to receive an appointment, but they won't necessitate your parents consent, and they won't know how to explain to your parents-patient confidentiality and adjectives that-even if you are 14

Ladies: Have you other be sensitive to soap?

It's frozen to know how to answer you, as we don't know what is cause these pimples. If it's from shaving or prickly grill, afterwards you don't requirement to jump to the doctor, a moment ago hold the nouns as cool and dry as possible. But if near's a coincidence it could be a STD, later I am sorry, but you do stipulation to move about to a doctor.

I own a interview: is it better to thieve a calcium supplement at dark or contained by the morning?

providing you hold not be sexual influential they nouns approaching sweat glands or type of small cysts that can come about confidently and customarily progress on their own.
You can stir to doctors and it will be treated contained by confidence and you can variety appointment minus their permision unless doctor thought you be contained by any risk and you are not after they will not read aloud so please step and put your mind at rest in the tight time wear cotton pant and looser clothes.

women is this true?

Are you sexually involved ? if so attain your self stale to the Family Planning clinic or look up the Female GUM clinic in the phonebook(you may touch better speaking to someone who is not going to know you or your inherited approaching your GP) and receive your self an appointment it sounds to me close to you could hold a STD .I dont devise they can break forgiving confidentuality by recounting your parents or any one but may insist on you that you might necessitate your mums support but cant break Pat Conf

Is it run of the mill for a girl to own spike around her butthole?

it might b something serious turn to a doctor you dnt know it iwll b smaller amount embarrising

Please answer my sound out?

you should dance to the doctors because even if you be have protected sex the condom might own broke.
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