3 weeks pregg... HELP?
can u speak about if your have twins at 3 weeks n what the sexual category is?
Someone minister to please!hurry please support!?
At three weeks aged, the embryo is smaller amount than an eight of an inch long. There is no bit of the gonads, which will develop into sex-producing organs, beside a sonogram you can probably see if, you own more than one embryo.
what is a abortion do they realy stick things up ur vagina?
no, honey u can'tMy boyfriend and I hold be sexually moving for months. Yet, I really don't feel I enjoy orgasmed.?
No, not until you're roughly 3-4 months along.Ovulation 10-16 days after interval?
An ultrasound may let somebody know you if you are have twins, but unequivocally not the sexual characteristics. At three weeks it is still an embryo. If I remember correctly, it's not until the 10th week or so that the kid starts to form, but I ponder it is much after that than that until the genetalia (sp?) comes into play. Congrats though!You enjoy to be at smallest 20 weeks usually formerly they even look for sexual characteristics. And an ultrasound will be needed to answer both your question.
No, sorry. But congrats on human being pregnant! =).
they might be capable of describe you roughly speaking the twins by listen to the heart beat within roughly a month but even if they can tellyou sexual category they are not leagally alowwed until you are 21 weeks b/c some society any dont want the babe-in-arms or the twin and will hold an abortion simply until they enjoy the masculinity of tot they want.
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If they check a Beta HCG (blood test) over a course of a few days and the level increase, this could be a sign of twins. But not in adjectives cases. An ultrasound is the best bearing to find out if you are have twins. I be 5 or 6 weeks pregnant when I found out I be have twins. Usually they will do a ultrasound at your first or second doctor's appointment a moment ago to check things out. They won't know how to detail the sex of the tot until you are give or take a few 5 months along.No, it's too soon.
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