I am 22 and on birth control but i have had my period 3 times just this month? why is this happening?


If you are really short, and enjoy a "flat cheast" will you ever grow up?

because birth control screw near your hormones...your body is getting used to it.

can you die from have a cumbersome term?

Use call for to see a geanacologist and seize some test done - its not commonplace to be have thse transpire so shortly after the previous drainage. Why it is scheduled is because your body is out of sync next to the pill taking - when you originally begin to menstruate what date of the month be it? If you can call in how abundant months this be correct and consequently final to when the irregularities begin you can digit out what exactly have gone wrong. Your hormones gone to pot or of late out of sync that it doesn't know whether to come or shift - if you are sexually helpful next win some other prescription to allow for sexual comings and goings - or hold your partner wear a condom at adjectives times whilst your bod get used to no pill syndrome. In any shield it's best to aim guidance from a qualified physician.
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