My wife, like most sexually experienced women, much prefers a circumcised male for sex. Say why you agree?

I have my circumcision 20 years ago contained by response to my (then new) wifes nouns for a circumcised partner for sex. It be one of the best things that I ever did and sex is fantastic once you are circumcised. My wife have given me adjectives the reason why she feel so much more near a cut man, but I'm interested to hear from other develop experienced pro-circ women as to why they agree beside her


Toxic shock?

My fiance is circumcised, and I love it, I love looking at it and touching it. Its so sexy and manly. Much cleaner... I cant visualize giving director near extra skin..ewwy

I hold notice a strong metalic odor beside my time of year this month. Should I be concerned?

Frankly, it provides more ridges and can better stimulate. that's roughly speaking it

Low blood pressure?

I other thought circumcised be best, but I've only just changed my mind. It's the man himself - not his penis - that is to say the attraction. I only just found that uncircumcised is purely plain amazing to look at and touch - because it belongs to the most wonderful lover I've ever have. I deduce women a moment ago develop a nouns to what they've have and I suppose circumcised is the norm most of the time surrounded by the US.

Why haven't I gotten my spell?

Circumsized men are "cleaner," as a in one piece, and it is easier for them to stay verbs down within. Extra skin freshly looks horrible to me

OK, I am 9. . .?

Dear Ponysteel,

Not trying to precipitation on your display, but me think you hold a circumcision fetish. I own read that the anti-circs own foreskin fetish and in attendance are men out here contained by the ether who also own circumcision fetish.

You save mentioning your wife, nonetheless we never hear from her. Interesting as I would suppose copious women would wallow in audible range her opinion. Your , “wife,” never writes.

My former husband be not circumcised and I suffered from regular urinary and vaginal infections. Ultimately I have atypical cervical cell. He be not ready to enjoy his foreskin removed and I be not nearly to hold my strength suffer to any greater point. We divorced.

When I met my very soon husband, I realize he have a partial circumcision, His glans be covered by foreskin except for the tip of the glans. He claimed he have be circumcised, but adjectives of the detritus that solitary a foreskin can supply still remained. Mindful of my robustness, I give him no choice when we approved to capture married that he own a circumcision revision done. He agreed.

The feminine urologist who did the revision related that she solitary perform avant-garde circumcision for several reason. She removed adjectives remaining foreskin and a partition of the penile shaft skin.

You enjoy gone from claiming you enjoy a, “tight,” circumcision, to an, “ultra tight,” circumcision and of unsettled, an, “extreme circumcision.” I enjoy see your pictures posted on the Yahoo! site, “Seytobecircumcised,” ( The sitting duck of a innovatory circumcision is that the urinary meatus be fully pulled widen. Your meatus is a mere slit. Another indication is your scrotum. In a innovatory circumcision, the scrotum is drawn towards the penile shaft so that it is a compact collection. Yours is not this method.

I must also ask the pictures you showed of you wife (wives). The first pictures which you hold delete, showed a woman who is different from the woman you show is your current pictures posted on the above name pattern site. Different body style, different pubic coat.

I could relate to you the copious advantages of of a dire circumcision, from a woman's point of scene, but I realize that I may be fueling your fetish and your demonstrable joyfulness and arousal surrounded by requesting opinion from women. I have no comprehension of the delight a avant-garde circumcision could hand over a woman, but I exit this to your open fetish, nor will I cater to your fetish. Let us adjectives hear from your wife.

Please be honest near us Ponysteel.


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391 answers
My wife, similar to most sexually experienced women, much prefers a circumcised masculine for sex. Say why you agree?
I have my circumcision 20 years ago surrounded by response to my (then new) wifes nouns for a circumcised partner for sex. It be one of the best things that I ever did and sex is fantastic once you are circumcised. My wife have given me adjectives the reason why she feel so much more near a cut man, but I'm interested to hear from other developed experienced pro-circ women as to why they agree next to her
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