Is it dangerous to keep taking the pill and not having the pill free break?

I enjoy be doing it for ages and dont know if its destructive! Does anyne know?

question going on for growth spurts?

Its impeccably sheltered. In reality you could runs 3-4 pack contained by a row own a break after run another 3-4 I hear one doctor on tv say-so that the bleeding is with the sole purpose in that to "reassure" you. There is no egg as Angel suggests, the level of hormone surrounded by the pill stops your body from releasing any eggs. The 7 daytime break is what induces the bleed. You do want to break occasionally though as here is still a small build up of facing within the womb (less that near would be for a typical pill free cycle), and the longer you dally between bleed the more will build up. This affects different general public differently, so you may enjoy break through bleeding at some point, or touch crampy or bloated. Your bleeding will be heavier too - the longer you dally. You enjoy to work out for yourself what your body will tolerate and you can cope near. Medical Services will communicate you 2 within a row is plenty - I intuitively have no probs running 3 or 4. Its up to you to work out what suits you best.

Good Luck ;-)

what does ovulatingn be a sign of?

If you are taking it for medical reason such as endometriosis it can be ok. I would recommend checking next to your doctor as okay to see what they speak.


to be honest next to you i reflect it is unwholesome to a spot on extent. its ok to do it once or twice, but your body NEEDS to seize rid of the unfertilised eggs. you should try to preserve a regular cycle and build sure to steal your 7 year beak every month, eventhough it is a niggle contained by the @ss. or tummy!

As an immature fully developed, how can I be sure that I am sexually in shape?

im not sure and i just this minute asked this press myself. have a sneaking suspicion that its best to filch them as a rule from in a minute on fairly than not have any breaks, my term is more painfull and i regard as thats probably why, dont dawdle any longer. :)


It is undisruptive to do this for a couple of months, but you really should hold a term every 3 months. That technique with the sole purpose 4 a year. That character above markedly doesn't realize that oral contraception cause you to NOT release an egg. So it doesn't flush out any eggs during your interval. DUH. Anyway once every 3 months is fine, it's in recent times similar to Seasonale. This is what my OBGYN have me doing next to my pills right in a minute and she say it is ok and will do no wound.

is it virtuous to miss my length..?

i estimate it is well again to own the break, because you will hold profoundly of stuff that should be "perioded" out, (like when u enjoy ure period) so definitely it can't be polite for that to be held up surrounded by your body for a prolonged term.

Please Help I don't know what to do any more!?

you shouldnt bring the pill more afterwards 2 strips at a time. so and so you should not miss more than one 7 year break - technically.
i missed two 7 sunshine breaks accordingly taking 3 strips one after respectively other and not alot happen but i did lone miss 2 breaks simply the once.
you shouldnt hang on to taking the pill withouth breaks - you stipulation to hold a bleed respectively month,
if you dont want a extent afterwards consider the 3monthly injection
if it is for contraception after use condoms and enjoy a break or consider the injection.
try not to save missing thoese breaks you could wound your body surrounded by the long occupancy.
Take care

Women simply please?

Iam relatively sure that the pill be originally designed to be taken continuosly minus a break, Ever.Please check near your G.P though.

What should I pocket next to me?

According to my womanly doctor, deeply of citizens are worried that it's death-defying when surrounded by reality it's impeccably fine to nick a little pack wager on to vertebrae (between 4-6 I think)...ask your doctor for more direction but I wouldn't utter it's toxic

How long do you bleed after an abortion?

I surmise some birth control pills are designed for empire to pilfer a break every month, some are designed for culture to bear a break every few months, and some might be designed for general public to never lift a break. So it probably depends on which pill you own. I suggest you have a chat to your doctor or pharmacist, or perchance send for the company who make the pill.
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