Are there any good home remedies for a yeast infection?

I enjoy a yeast infection and the doctor give me a prescription. But I want to know if in attendance are any home remedies to effortlessness my discomfort.

Blood after urination?

Yogurt might lend a hand...
But if you can, be in motion to a store that sell herb and buy one or both things...

1) Bifidofolus
2) Yeast assassin (different name for it)

These things are inbred and works efficient!

Best wishes!

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No here are no actual home rememdies. Use the meds and be sure you get through plenty of yogurt near live busy cultures every hours of daylight or pocket acidophillus capsule day by day to serve prevent yeast infections in the first place.

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eat yogurt that's what my dr says
well-mannered luck.

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yes, yougert next to live cultures, drink it, rub it down in that and go and get as much inside your vagina as you can for nearly five days, a moment ago approaching you would next to monostat, it really works, also, if you hold acidophyllis on a daily basis you can avoid most yeast infections

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From what I know, here are things that can relieve prevent - similar to unprocessed plain yogurt next to stirring cultures (you drink it)-that can facilitate inhibit yeast infections, but I don't know of any homeopathic remedies. Most yeast infections can be treated beside over the counter meds found at local drug stores. If you doctor prescribed you something, it may be that what your doctor see may necessitate something stronger than the typical over the counter (OTC) products. You might want to name your doctors bureau and ask if you can use an OTC instead of the prescribed product.

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WHAT IS yeast infections

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Go on the internet and look up Threelac. Educate yourself.
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