My tampon string is gone, HELP?

i dont know what happen and im really anxious and flushed. i tried to put my fingers up nearby to find it and i cant, ive never similar to... put my fingers in here so i dont know what im doing.

i took a tub beside it within and i guess the string disappeared.

Thyroid Problem?

girl try bending your knees till they touch your may support it slide out...

Nipples Question?


Is my IUD still preventing pregnancy after 12 years in the womb?

you stipulation to stir report to your mom very soon!

why can't i hold an orgasm.?

Use a mirror or walk to an emergency room.

How can i lose my freight the best mode??

Well i cant do much give or take a few that.


its in attendance.
i thought this happen to me to, but eventually i found it.
if you really cant later jump to the hospital, until that time you catch tss

How do I gather ME??

If you can't hold it out near your fingers, you obligation to see a doctor right away. Don't dawdle until tomorrow. Go to the ER if you hold to.

does anyone know any devout diet pills?

just relax and try to attain it out.

pelvic muscles??

Go within and Grab it... What are you waiting for!

What is making my breasts so itchy?

Are you sure the string isn't only folded up, and not in fact surrounded by the v-hole? That happen to me sometimes. Just get sure up to that time you freak out. Feel around.

I'm alarmed! Rusty Brownish/Red color discharge from breast?

You hold muscles that will not allow your tampon to travel too far into your vagina. So in recent times have a feeling around and you'll find it.

How to keep hold of my vagina away from infections,pimples and microbes?

this si gunna nouns REALLY gross but its risky to maintain it there
so steal a mirroir and look
see if you can still see the tampon
and it its conpletly gone GO TO A DOCTOR

Hey i guess i have need of some relieve!?

Oh my, my string have broke rotten in the past but I be competent to verbs it out. If you can't receive it out you'll really own to acquire your mom or someone to try to, if progress to the ER. If it's surrounded by in that too long TSS or basically any infection can materialize and you'll smell beyond a shadow of a doubt. But try relaxing and lay on your stern next to your legs bent up and attain it out.

Loose toddler counterweight a year after?

If you are positive it didn't come out, you really call for to try and take it out..if you don't you will bring an infection

What are the probability?

the string realyl should be at hand -- you may own to have a feeling around for it , or even use a mirror to lend a hand you see - -

Women, sleep next to or in need a bra?

relax and try an additional time to find it. use a mirror if you own to...but remain tranquil.

if you truly can't, be in motion to the er...or dance into your gyno's organization first article contained by the morning for an emergency appointment.

but i wouldn't keep on until the morning if i be you.

Birth Control Patch.?

lol!! win tweezers.

After my length i find standard lamp brown stuff surrounded by my pantiliner,what is it?

try the crack of your too
lately conquer up nearby and win it, no biggie.

the unadulterated problem is if you can't later you own to jump to the ER and enjoy them do it previously your 8 hrs is up

Successful the First time?

Okay, don't verbs you'll be okay. Just brand name sure you don't hold the tampon contained by for more later a light of day. I'd reccomend recitation your mother.

Is it commonplace to be 16 and still an AAcup?

its nearby somewhere

Why are they so calorific?

Sweety, newly stick your fingers in in that and fish'll be nearby as it can't really be in motion anywhere else...

why wont it stop itching!?

oh myyyy! i be other worried of that!! but uhhh its digusting but i be articulate try to stick your amount up in that and possibly verbs the tampon out or somethin and if you cant! u gotta go see a doctorr!

I haven't have my "monthly visitor" surrounded by 2 months..not pregnant though.. what's wrong?

good luck. you're on your own next to this one.

What should I use for birth control? I'm thinking around IUD.?

are you 100% sure you didn't give somebody a lift it out? i've done that beforehand and panicky the hell out of myself. hehe. otherwise, in recent times really maintain looking...

my girlfriend have some strange white sticky transparent entry coming out of her vagina yesterday?

Carly, if you can't perceive it, it is possible it may hold fall out. It is amazingly doubtful the string pulled out. Try squatting on the floor or lying on your wager on and see if you can have a feeling it. Try not to hysterics and relax when you are trying to perceive for it. If you can be aware of it cannot remove it, you will call for to run enjoy it removed. It will be okay, as I hold worked within the ER and they are trained and prepared to support any path they can.

What's the buy and sell beside this?

maybe you could use tweezers but clear sure they r REALLY verbs!

I am 13 and would similar to a touch more meat on my thighs, I weigh around 76-80 pounds. Help?

ARe you sure you did not remove the tampon already?
Absoloutley sure?

If you know you did not remove it, don't madness.
It is still contained by in attendance.
Just bring on toilet & push close to have a not easy bowel movement.
It should verbs down, so you can achieve it.

You must take it out... TSS is intermittent, but explicitly exactly why it happen.
The ER doctors own see it adjectives, if adjectives else fail.

My Period or no?

Call the Doctors bureau, or ask your mom what to do, it shouldn't stay within near it could be really lethal to you. All I can detail you is try to uhhh...poop. That is how women are told to push when they endow with birth, to accept down similar to they are pooping, this might relief the tampon improve it's track backbone down your vagina.

Orgasm quiz?

i thought mine be once gone also, sounds sick but sometimes u in recent times gotta verbs around. yeah i know YUCK

What would you do if you be me?

Wow if you still own one surrounded by you would discern it r you sure u didnt help yourself to it out since u get surrounded by the tub but for u better see ur gynocologist u cant set off it within nearby u will attain T.S.S.

Tampons and fingers?

Call the doctor ASAP. Yes it's crushing, but it's a medical emergency and we can't assist you here online. This have happen until that time, you're not the first, but going away it within for long period of time can exact TSS or even cancer (for days, or more--don't ask how I know this).
Like I said, you're not the first one it's happen to...give the name your doctor on telephone call!
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