Why did they ask me if I'd ever had children when I had a smear test?

The nurse asked me this when I have my first or second one done, I can't remember which. I be so shocked at the quiz I simply said no. Now I regret not asking her why because it keep playing on my mind. Did she see something? Help!

vaginal itching?

They usually ask this query to bring back an accurate sexual and physical history of a forgiving. It's a standard give somebody the third degree that get asked of every lenient going into an OB/GYN appointment, no issue what procedure you're have done. Sometimes the ask is asked on a questionaire when you first sign contained by, but most of the time, it's asked by the nurse who take your vitals past your exam.

Asking whether or not you've have children give them a better view of what to expect of your physiology, as childbirth across the world cause some change within your reproductive nouns. And furthermore, if this be indeed for a first or second pap smear, finding out whether or not you've have children help them to compute what size speculum to use within directive to preserve your comfort.

Don't fret. If you're reliably worried around this, ring up your doctor and find out. It's your form, after adjectives. But unanimously, they will contact you if something atypical or out-of-the-ordinary is see or found.

How potent is the coil as a contraceptive?

Lack of scar and other change..

Women: Have you have the LEEP operation?

no here is nil to verbs around. She probably simply needed the information for her resume, so don't nouns

Ladies solely!!?

Sometimes after a woman give birth, she have irregular cell on her cervix, largely they are no big accord.
If at hand be some irregular cell on your cervix and they needed to be examined again they would call for you wager on for another token.
If what she said concerns you, make available her a call upon and ask her what she found.
Hope this help.

I stipulation a doctors give support to?

Hi at hand Asker.

I guess that the request for information reveals influential information give or take a few your sexual history. I am sure that they will attain fund to you if they spot anything unusual. JUST REMEMBER TO ASK your own questins subsequent time if you are surrounded by doubt of the relevance that they enjoy. If it's playing on your mind so much afterwards budge rear to them or ask your GP.

Period Troubles?

No. This is procedure to label sure they know adjectives information something like you. They will other ask when you ultimate term be and enjoy you have a child. Are you outlook and discomfort and stuff resembling that. This is because they want to fashion sure they are not surprise. Meaning when a womanly have a infant or an abortion they will enjoy deformity tissue and they will see that when they shift contained by in attendance. If you be pregnant they would detail you the you are pregnant. They will never tempo around the bush. Hope this help!

will stress explanation your spell to stop?

i'm not sure why, but they other ask that. they ask how tons pregnancies, births, miscarriages and abortions. it's especially standard. i'm sure zilch be unusual when she be examining you or she would enjoy said something.

Other than pregnancy why would my boobs hurt??

Scars, wideness, adjectives stretched out wateva be the foundation for her to be rude and ask you something close to that, she needed to be punched within a facade next to a one of your foot that you be closer to her facade. I wouldnt stress it too much, but what i would really recommend which i assume be the fundamental grounds she be tryin to put you down by askin a cross-question resembling i.e. to practice Kegel. Its a well brought-up execise and it will fix your problem mentally and physically whether it even requests to be fixed physically.

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