Anyone on the BC Ortho tri Cycleen (Spelling) or Tri-Nessa?

Have you have any cargo gain? I switched from Seasonale to Tri-Nessa and enjoy since put on almost 10 lbs. I am getting barmy... :O(
I work out and try to put away healthily.


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I am and I hold gain roughly 5 pounds. It's emphatically more of a psychological issue for me because I don't physically look any bigger. My jeans fit a bit tighter in a minute though.

Can PCOS near hormonal inconsistency be diagnosised after a complete hysterectomy?

I hold be on trinessa and orthotricyclen and neither one make me gain shipment.

ehh I don't win itis something wrong beside me?

I haven't switched, but if it is that upsetting, perchance you should agree to your doctor and consider going spinal column to Seasonale.
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