Help me *this is for a doctor hopefully* or someone who knows what they are talkin about?

Does anyone know of any fertility drugs that if truth be told work?
I want to hold a babe-in-arms but im have a really tricky time getting pregnant. the article is i have sex next to my friend and he come inside me on my spell after my interval and in the past my extent and even when i wasnt on my extent and i never get pregnant ... but when he get pay for next to his ex girlfriend she get pregnant next to the snap of a finger. so honestly im trying to digit out whats wrong next to me. So does anyone know of any fertility drugs that work. Or does a doctor enjoy to prescribe them. appreciation for your help

Are jalapenos honest for your diet, if you are trying to lose weightiness?

There are heaps things to be looked at even past considering fertility drugs.
you have need of to be have regular intercourse next to one and the same creature for 6 months beforehand considering that in that possibly a problem.
hold you every have a STD to your expertise of chlamydia?-any illnesses important surrounded by former times appendicitis?
1)sperm analysis
2)your extent record-keep date and when have SI
3) blood try-out daytime 21 to see if you are ovulating
4)tubal insufflation/laparoscopy to see state of your tubes and ovaries
The results of these test establish what roadway to follow-just to provide you an hypothesis how we think
is your partner fertile
are you ovulating
are your tubes OK
any or a combination of the above may bring a problem

Incidentally you ovulate 14 days BEFORE your extent.So save diary and count BACK

These drugs are one and only available from a doctor-clomid is usually the first tried drug

What is occurring!?

What? You don't know you can't buy them over the counter? You're trying to obtain pregnant by anyone, purely a friend it doesn't event? Sounds resembling it's a virtuous entry you can't acquire pregnant!

I have a little one two months ago and I merely have a pap smear that come put money on irregular?

Doctors will prescribe any sort of fertility drugs. You may not entail them however. Sometimes it take months, even years for couples to draw from pregnant. Everything freshly have to start a short time ago right. The sperm have to spawn it to the egg and the egg have to find a place to start growing. There is a ton of stuff that have to jump right to produce a child. If you are concerned just about it, I would check near your ob/gyn only to check for any problems that may clear you infertile and shift from within.

Hope this help! :-)

What if..?

Start bad near an ovulating paraphernalia you can buy.. it will oblige you determine the best time for you to bring pregnant.. if that doesnt work you will hold to walk see dr for fertility drugs.

is it undisruptive to will growing fybroids in a woman?

You entail a prescription for fertility drugs, and they do lots test and workups back resorting to them. Maybe you're not getting pregnant for another motivation?

Plezse Help?

Get married, possibily the babe-in-arms requirements to be born to a 2 parent ethnic group not one beside a fragment time sperm donor.
Stress will raison d`??tre infertility.. its a 2 part of a set situtation and solution.

My ovaries usually surface tender (numb pain) during or simply back my interval, why is this?

You own to dance to a fertility doctor. They do not freshly per scribe them to you. They do plentiful test on you to see if you are fertil etc..
Its not only for a time pill you pop surrounded by your mouth and are on your process. These things depend on the issue next to respectively being, and it is a process.
Thee could be plentiful reason why you didn't achieve pregnant. You may not enjoy be ovulating. You may hold a slightly tilted vertebrae uterus, creating it to be a bit more difficult to win pregnant. May not enjoy be the right time for you. Just because one creature get pregnant right away, doesn't indicate others should also. All of our bodies are different. It took me 9 months to bring back pregnant next to my first, and one try near my second. It took my sister 3 yrs. to seize pregnant near her first. The doctor said it may hold be because she tool birth control for several yrs.
Beings he go rear to his X, If I be you I would be looking at not one pregnant by him as a well brought-up entry.
Babies don't fix a relationship. They don't produce a man stay, they don't transfer them unless they want to correction. acquire pregnant next to someone who mutually requirements to and is responsible and not running rear to his x. Why would you want a little one beside a guy approaching that. Your toddler would suffer and so would you. Its HARD to angle a little one, and they do NOT fix anything in a relationship, if anything it make it even harder even if both parents are fully committed

I am convinced i am excess weight i am a size 8 and?

I am a fertility specialist so I hope I can donate you some guidance. The use of fertility drugs should not to be pilfer insubstantially. They can be really detrimental to your robustness and this is usually done after all else fail. Ask the question 1. Are your cycles regular? How infirm am I? Do you own any extraordinary reproductive issues?
If you own atypical cycles your ObGyn can put you on a drug call Clomid which should induce ovulation.
Stressing out going on for getting pregnant could be your biggest issue. Relax.
Remember the best time to get pregnant is along with your cycle something like 7-12 days after your second interval. There is a 48-60 hour fertile extent.
See your ObGyn or a fertility specialist and they can be more specific to your requirements. I caution you roughly jump into any hormone stimulation.
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