Generic Yasmin, or is it generic Seasonale? How do I start this?

My doctor prescribed Yaz, which, the nurse said, is like Yasmin. Well, my stupid Aetna HMO doesn't cover any. It only covers what I'm currently taking and getting breakthrough bleeding from.

I search online for a cheap alternative, and found, which advertises cheap generics of leading brands. I ordered their generic version of Yasmin, and get something called "Ovipauz-L." Its ingredients are Levonorgestrel I.P. 0.15mg and Ethinyloestradiol I.P. 0.03mg, equal ingredients as Seasonale, not Yasmin.
I received 4 packs of 21 pills, and no instructions or info booklet. I be going to take it similar to the Seasonale pill, though (84 days of active pills, 7 days of nothing). My TRUE question is, do I start the first pack right after I finish my current b/c moving pills, or wait until after my unused period formerly starting?

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Did they require a prescription from you? I wouldn't trust this medication. There are no generics of Yasmin, Yaz or Seasonale on the flea market at this time. I would be very dead beat of someone selling what they say is like medication.
Yaz has indistinguishable ingrediants as Yasmin, except instead of 21 active pills and 8 reminder pills, it have 24 active pills and 4 reminder pills, resulting in a shorter interval. Seasonale, by the way, usually have breaktrhough bleeding for the first couple of months as your body gets used to the continuous hormones.
There are plentiful birth control pills that come in generic. If you are not taking any of the tri-pills(ortho tricyclen, OTC LO, etc) you should be capable of take two pack back to pay for, skipping a period within between them, so only have your cycle every 2 months. I've done that before, but have a full, regular period surrounded by the middle. My doctor said sometimes your body just have to do what it needs to do.
You could also see if a memo from your doctor explaining why you need Yasmin(it and Yaz are the singular oral contraceptives that contain DRSP, or drospirenone). If there's a medical use to be on those pills, your insurance company may cover them, though at a higher tier(Yasmin costs me $20.50 a month, short insurance it'd be $51).

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You really should call your doctor and find out if this is what you should be taking. She prescribed something specific. If you're not taking what she prescribed, she wishes to know. Tell her that Yaz is not covered by your HMO and ask her if she knows what you should be taking. Good luck!

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