Confused please help?

What does it mingy when my tummy hurts for a while bit above my bellybutton it one and only hurt after i sit or lay but my interval is deferred my finishing term be june 23,2007 and it be merely for partially a morning but i own already taken a check it articulate not not pregnant can someone please report to me what it is.

i have ovarian cyst removed within october, and in a minute its subsidise!! have this happen to anyone else?

Take another experiment. You might hae taken the assessment too soon for the pregnancy examination to be accurate.

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you might be pregnant you know the test aren't other right and it could run up to 6 days for you to take pregnant.

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Just to be on the risk-free side you plainly want to run to the doctor. I have a friend experience something similar and she wound up mortal pregnant properly two weeks subsequently. Sometimes here is not adequate hormone given rotten to detect fully whether or not you are pregnant until more time have passed.

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Those pregnancy test don't other share the truth. I thought I be pregnant and the interview said I be gloomy, but 4 months into my want of a length I finally go to the doctor to find out I be indeed pregnant. If you contemplate your pregnant you probably are, trust your instincts.

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Actually, it's benign of precipitate for you to be experiencing pregnancy symptoms. If your end length be June 23 you would own gotten pregnant July 7 so if you are it's lone give or take a few a month. Do you own any of the following symptoms: Tender, swollen breasts, fatigue, implantation bleeding, nausea or vomiting, increased sensitivity to odors, abdominal bloating, frequent urination, your basal body warmth stays high-ranking?

I suggest you read through this article on abdominal headache and see which scenerio fits you best.

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I have similar pains but mine turned out to be an ovarian dermoid cyst that I have to own removed. I know it is still possible that you get a false distrustful so I guess I would retest and if still is gloomy I would discuss to your doctor.
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