Mild cervical dyplasia not due to HPV--precancerous?
I don't believe that this is related to HPV--I've have one partner simply and hold be near him for 13 years.
At the time of my pap I be touching on getting a extremely big yeast infection. Related?
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Have you truly be tested for HPV? Find out. Sometimes duplicate example that be used for your pap smear is tested for HPV if the pap comes posterior atypical.
If you own *definitely* be tested for HPV and the result be negatvie, you are notably, significantly unlikely to develop cervical cancer. 99+% of cervical cancer are related to HPV.
The yeast infection (or the cream used to treat it) could indeed make happen a false positive on a pap smear.
If your gyno did not let somebody know you that you tested positive for HPV, afterwards no, you do not enjoy it. If it be, your gyno would want to see you every 3 months, not 8 months latter.
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