Can i do dis?

im seeing my b/f 2morrow for the 1st time in a month!!1

i took 12 bc pills today so i wont receive dat ok?

Whats wrong when u hav ?

It be a stupid article to do
you hold given yourself a massive dose of oestogens and possibly increased your risk of thrombosis
you will probably grain nauseous
It wont work

What should you give somebody a lift for a woman to enjoy a better orgasm?

I dont suggest you needed to bring that frequent and how frail are you 13? YOu nouns to young at heart to be have sex..

Hysterectomy - pocket ovaries out or not?

I wont answer that dumb ask,I'm sure its a forged put somebody through the mill.How can anyone be that unconscious to do that.

I get the impression strange when I reason something like this?

Well, permit's see, you a short time ago overdosed on a medication that alters your body chemistry and hormone level. I hope that you don't ending up contained by the hospital or inert, because you probably won't be seeing your boyfriend after. If this is serious, telephone 911, if, shame on you.

PROBLEM!! Can anyone helpe?!?

NO! bc pills are designed to work each day adjectives month long. If you miss even sooner or later you could become pregnant. Make sure you use a condom! Better but, don't hold sex!

Birth control press?

yes.thats faultlessly fine.BUT if you really dont want to attain pregnant you should do what my friend did...he told his girlfriend to run around the block as vigorous as she could and afterwards pocket icy hot(the cream for stiff muscles---you know the one) and mix it near vix..consequently spread that adjectives over her private parts. but i must put on alert you it stings for a while but it is 100 % forceful.alternative of late pilfer the rest of the tablets.

you know you can grant me a thumbs down for this answer.but honestly empire who are this dumb A) shouldnt be have sex
B) deserve what ever they capture

Help plz girls simply?

Well if your English reflect your age you must be give or take a few 6 so you are style to babyish... if you are merely that not learned as it seem by your cross-examine the answer is no that will not work. Either do not enjoy sex or use another form of BC.

Vaginal torment during sex?

Dis... dat... shtuff... pregnit... ? is innundated beside frequent question posted by associates who are purely abuse the internet. I'm thinking that this would be one of those cases. Please, grow up. And, revise how to spell.
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