Breast cancer?

my grandma died last year from breast cancer (you should all check yourselfs MEN and women) my sound out is my grandma was 1 of 13 kids and out of all bad them there is 1 left alive she have 12 sisters and 1 brother and all her sisters died from breast cancer and her brother died from cancer as well do u focus im being unrelistic asking to be tested earlier the docs ive spoke to dont see to conserned about it ibut i am for me and my daughter x

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Not at all. While a mammogram isn't decisive on younger women because the breast tissue is to dense (cancer/ tumors show up as dense areas on a mammogram so can't be differentiated if your breast tissue is to dense) there are other tests available. With your people history of breast cancer keep pushing until you find someone to take your concerns seriously

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My mother and my aunt (her sister) both died of breast cancer, their mother died of some gentle of cancer (I'm not sure what) and their brother (my uncle) died of intestinal cancer, so I feel your worry. I don't deem you are unrealistic in wanting to be tested, but you have to realize at hand is only so much they can "test" for. I believe there is a genetic signpost for certain types of cancers for which you can be tested, but if you assessment and are positive this may make you a "high risk" forgiving, so please discuss it with your health insurance company first.

If you and your daughter jump for regular physicals and keep yourselves healthy (and check your breasts for change monthly!) there is no reason to reason that they won't be able to catch anything that does come up hasty. If you feel as though your doctor is not receptive to your concerns, take a different doctor, but just trying to keep yourselves tough is the first step in preventing any kind of sickness.

Best of luck !

How can you inform if you enjoy minimal or average chubby on your body?details inside.?

I think you should definitely be tested impulsive. I know when my mom had breast cancer I was simply in my 30's and I started getting ayearly mammogram from that point on. I think your docotr is crazy for not thinking you should seize tested. I myself have had colon cancer and my doctor said that my kids should be tested when they are ten years younger than the age that I be diagnosed. So since I was 42 they will have to be tested at 32. Good luck surrounded by all you do.

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The best thing you can do at this point is the monthly self breast exams. Call your Dr fast if you notice any changes. Most Dr's do not push for for mammograms at too early an age( you did not state your age) because the breast tissue is so dense in younger women that the experiment is mostly unreliable.


Of course you should be concerned it seems to be hereditary

Can someone support me?

basically get tested!

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i don't blame you in the lowest, the Dr's healths and lives Are not on the line.

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