What kinds of perscription birth control can I use?

I CANNOT appropriate anything near estrogen within it - my body hate it. I be on the Nuvaring, and I be bleeding almost adjectives month long and later it threw me into a SEVERE depression. I be literally suicidal until the estrogen be out of my system. I know that they construct pills beside merely progesterin (sp) in it - but I hear they don't work economically and they can inflict irregular period. My doctor in actuality told me "I guess near's zilch for you." This can't be true, can it?

I'm almost 12 and have discharge when i be 9, what could this be going to, please lend a hand im really worried?

Without trying the mini-pill (progesterone only) you're never going to know if it works for you or not. Some women use it for years, some can't stand it. But you enjoy to try it first to receive that determination.

You could also try a SUPER low dose estrogen pill approaching YAZ. I didn't safekeeping for it intuitively, but some women LOVE it.

If you simply enjoy no tolerance for hormones, later the solitary alternatives you do hold unambiguous to you would be a non-hormonal IUD (which I DO NOT encourage, as the Para-Gard nearly kill me), or line methods including the diaphragm, cervical trilby and a newer type call Lea's Shield.

My best direction would be for you to find a modern gynecologist and don't be afraid to TRY different types of pills. It took me two DOZEN formulations in the past I found one that worked for me. Be proactive, and don't transport NO for an answer.

Good luck.
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