Itchy down there? HELP!?

My ex (argg) and I have sex something like a month ago, and we used a condom and everything, we be not dangerous. But the subsequent time my vagina started itching, not inside but merely on the outside. There be resembling 2 bumps nearby and it started to itch, I thought it be a moment ago from have sex for the first time and simply my body react to have lol - uh doings (?) down near. The bumps are still nearby, and during my interval it didn't itch or anything ending week, in a minute it's starting to itch again, and closing hours of darkness (I didn't expect to) I rubbed down nearby next to a towel and it started to bleed for a time. I've be using vagasil oil - but it just seem to work when I use saline spray to verbs first. Will the medicated wipe work any better? Or what's going on down here? I don't want to make clear to my mom that I obligation to see the doctor, or that it itches... I don't really approaching doctors. Is in that anything I can do to murder the itch? I'm only super confused on what's going on, facilitate!

Should I capture my time soon?

Itching is usually a sign of a yeast infection. Nobody like going to the doctor but you really necessitate to stir and grasp a proper diagnosis. Treating it in need confirming what is wrong could a short time ago call a halt up mask a bigger problem.
If you're worried roughly speaking your mom figure out that you have sex, don't be. Yeast infections are adjectives and can be cause by abundant things save for sex.

Help!! I hold to turn to a wet park tomarrow and im on my interval?

You may hold have an illergic counterattack to the laytex within the condom. Get tested for the allergy, its pretty adjectives.

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It could be a range of things... It could be a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis (both deeply adjectives and itchy). I get a yeast infection once and my dr said it be bc when i have intercourse tiny tears be made within me and it cause the yeast to grow... it could be allergy to the condom or spermicide if that be on the condom as all right... travel to planned motherhood they will check you out and you take-home pay as you can...

Good luck

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You stipulation to speak near your gyno..he/she will explain what is goin on beside your body.basically bring you use protection doesn't scrounging you can't hold a STD...not truism that you enjoy one, but you should check to be sure

Good luck ;)

Alternatives to have a pelvic exam?

You might be allergic to the condom that yall used. Or it might be something else more severe. Even though you might be afraid to run to the doctor you inevitability to be in motion and see what is going on.

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I am confused ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON UP THERE IN YOUR HEAD.Obviously you have need of to see your doctor, instead of spending time on the computer.

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What description of soap do you use? If you use a fragrant soap close to Bath and Body works it can be paid basically the outside itch. Avoid using soap here for a while, the saline is probably not helping it any. This nouns is self cleaning, a moment ago rinse next to H2O(WATER). Try wearing cotton underwear also.
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