Ingrown hair?

I shaved my private section 1 month ago,and i find that lately i get some ingrown curls growing rear legs?What should i do,and do you guys presume that shaving would incentive coat to grow rear thicker?

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Shaving anywhere make the tresses grow thicker, at smallest on almost adjectives folks! To try and run down the ingrown hair, exfoliate where on earth u shaved day after day next to one of those pouffy shower things, and here also are lotions that can relieve muffle ingrown hair.

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If it starts poking out, don't pluck it, cut it near manicure scissors.

It's mundane.
And no, it doesnt grow hindmost thicker if you shave every other afternoon or so.

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That happen sometimes when your quill grows rear. As far as getting thicker I hold never notice that it does on me. It could be at variance though for others. There is really nought you can do beside the ingrown hair. Just tolerate them run their course. Good luck!

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yes, it'll start growing spinal column! I purely trim it shorter
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