Stretch marks?

I'm 14, and 5ft 5in high. I weigh roughly speaking 125lbs. As you can see, I'm not corpulent at adjectives. Why do I hold stretch grades on both sides of my butt? They're close to an 1/2 inch long, and I enjoy roughly 4 of the on respectively side of my hips. What does that expect? Could it be something that looks close to stretch results? If so, what is it really?

A Question going on for the feminine genitalia.?

I found out contained by my teens (from my doc) that contrary to popular belief stretch results aren't purely something overweight folks grasp. Sometimes, especially as a pre-teen/teen, you experience terrifically sudden growth spurts. This could be the result in of the stretch marks-since your body (skin) be not prepared for the sudden amend. They can also come up after sudden/extreme substance loss. The interconnect below may be of more give a hand.

what to do for rash?

It's probably stretch grades from growth. You are going through puberty and it's regular. Don't freak out nearly stretch results. You're the single one that care!

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You enjoy have a nippy growth spurt at some stage. They can fade over time. Be sure to hang on to yourself in good health hydrated by drinking 2litres of marine a year (at least) and moisturise.

Junior tampon ?s?

They nouns approaching stretch results.

Don't verbs roughly them - everyone have stretch results trust me! I enjoy them, my husband have them.. Big business deal!

They are completely conventional when you jump through puberty.

And please, don't stress.. They will fade overtime and guys really don't protection around them!

All the best!

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It's stretch grades! I am contained by my twenties very soon. I get stretch results on my thighs starting when I be 12. I have I don`t know 2 or 3 of them and I be so embarssed something like them. I be high and skinny (5'8" 130lbs)

I have two babies surrounded by my twenties and my couple of results go to several dozen stretch grades (butt, legs, chest, stomach etc.) I enjoy never be overweight and my mom doesn't enjoy them. It is basically the agency you be made. I know you are upset going on for these stretch results but you honestly can't do anything something like the ones you already enjoy. Time will back them procure lighter (like adjectives scars) You are tough so they are most predictable from a recent growth spurt. There are alot of things you CAN control more or less your body. I would verbs more going on for those things (eating habbits, excersize, muscles) Stretch grades are one of those things that you can't control (which is why they are so frusterating)

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Stretch grades surface when your body grows at a rate of knots and the skin can't grow hasty adequate to keep hold of up. They're not controlled to pregnancy. What happen is that the middle branch of skin tears slightly, and this cause a defect. That deformity is what you see as a stretch spot.
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