Cycle Length?

I have a tubal ligation contained by 2005 and have it reversed a year subsequent (i know, i know.don't preach.) The doctor be single competent to reconnect one of my tubes. I know that you commonly alternate which ovary you ovulate from. So...does this aim that cycle length should change every other month since one month I ovulate and the subsequent I don't? (I know some relatives utter you can ovulate from both ovaries and the working tube will pick it up. This have be true BUT contained by most cases, the working tube is not competent to pick up the egg.) Thanks!!

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You still ovulate when your tubes are tied, the egg simply isn't supposed to be capable of seize through the tube. So your cycle length should be equal.

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Your cycle length will be like peas in a pod. The ovaries don't know if the tubes are working or not. Their position is to produce the egg where on earth it go from in that isn't their problem,
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