Does milk come out of your breast when you're not pregnant?

I see white stains on my bra and i see milk coming out of my breast

What are the drawbacks of getting the contraceptive rod?

Sometimes, somewhat fluid can soak from the breast, or be expressed (if you squeeze your nipples, somewhat drop might come out). This can be impeccably middle-of-the-road (unless it's yellow/green or bloody, which could expect infection) but it is not actual milk. Your body will solitary produce actual milk after you afford birth.

What cause and inflamed ovary?

no u own to be pregnant

Is it protected to bear diet pills while on birth control?

yes and if your out of milk it comes surrounded by handy u can use that milk for your morning cherios

wat be it?

It's possible.

I go through lactation support surrounded by 2005 and wasn't pregnant. My gyn ordered bloodwork which showed an increase in prolactin level. I have an MRI scan done and it showed a pituitary growth, totally benign.

In other cases, it could be immensely much hormonal. If this is bothersome, consult beside a gyn. More than expected adjectives is capably.
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