Is it ok to enjoy sex when you're on your length?

I had sex on FRI & SAT while I be on my period.

I used protection obviously, & covered my bed with a towel so we wouldn't win blood all over.

I be just wondering if it be bad...similar to risks of infection, or if it messes up you body in some road. Because I've heard plentifully of people speak so many different things going on for this & don't know wat is true & wat is not.

Please help...ANY Information you enjoy about this, please share. I niggardly ANYTHING. Especially if you've done this before...

Thanx for the answers surrounded by advance!

Ps...I just want SERIOUS answers...You can joke around...but as long as you're not talkin stuff roughly speaking me havin sex on my period. Like calling me name or somethin like that. I'd really appreciate it. Thanx! =)

Answers:    The just thing that's glum about sex while have your period is the mess. Some culture think that you can't carry pregnant if you have sex while on your length, but you can. Other than the mess though, have fun!
umm no i dont deduce its bad.. adjectives is good, you'll be fine..
i dont know why any man would want to hold sex with women on her time it just turns me rotten and its reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely gross naw its perfectly fine

and i hear that an orgasm is the perfect means of access to have smaller amount period cramps
you'll be fine don't verbs. they just read aloud that is the best time to achieve pregnant.
there's no difference between having sex on your extent than off. i ruminate its ok to have sex when youre on your extent..

cuz ive read it in a magazine from parenting and i remember that it said that it is ok. but ive never tried it so im not sure.
It can be pretty messy... bar that, nothing really bleak can happen. I've done it since and I've never had any problems. it's fine.
It is categorically fine as long as you and your partner are comfortable with it! My boyfriend in recent times says it hurts him sometimes because the blood is not lubricating. It dries really brisk and causes friction. That is adjectives i have hear about it! :) It's not unpromising for you. I think those are your most fertile times though, so look out. I had sex earlier on my period but I didn't savour it. It hurted me for some reason.
umm no efects everything is dandy except... EWWWWW i would never do my gf when she's on her time she'd be all close to ya now and i'd be adjectives like uhhhh no let watch a movie or play scrable or something ewwwwww! i have a friend that got eat out on her period and i never want to hear her voice that story again! the guy had a mustache too! After Period is not doomed to failure. and also won't happen anything i close-fisted no pregnent so can do sex 1 week after menstruation(period) wont happen anything (pregnency).
capably the body is naturally cleaning it's self out, but it is up to you and the guy you are beside, even though the bible says you should not own sex that time of the month.

but i can not call you name because i have done that pleanty of times my self, of late remember that if you are not using protection that you can still get preg. and you can alwayse go by, std's and so forth no matter if you are no your length or not
yes its okay. haha thats funny! but its not weird at adjectives!dont worry! nil bad will come to pass as long as u use protection and many say aloud even though its kinda gross that the blood its a good lube. sorry to carry sik on ya! alls i hav to say is... hav fun!
It is physically OK to enjoy sex during your period. Most women and lots men prefer not to, but there is nil wrong with it.

However, you do increase your risk of giving/getting STD's.

Also, some general public believe that it is impossible to get pregnant if you enjoy sex during your period - but you should know that it IS POSSIBLE to achieve pregnant during your period. It is smaller number likely due to the timing contained by your cycle, but it is possible, so do not rely on "period sex" as a form of birth control, because (although smaller quantity likely) it is possible to get pregnant.

The crucial issue though is the increased risk of giving/getting Sexually Tramsmitted Diseases.
It is just fine to hold sex during your period. For some girls it put together there cramps be in motion away. It's totally fine but the best time to avoid pregnancy is to do it is right after. The worst time is when you are ovulating like 2 weeks earlier your period.
yea it is fine. a moment ago can get messy. It isn't a problem to enjoy sex during your period.

The with the sole purpose problem would possibly be if it was unprotected sex near is a chance of becoming pregnant.

(Their are plentiful ancient cultures that it was polluted to have sex near a women during her period, and if you did you be defiled but thankfully those days are over.)
Yeah, it's fine. Just build sure your boyfriend is using a condom otherwise he might get an's kinda gross, though! I wouldn't own sex while I'm on my period! It's totally ok but obviously it'll be messy
nt good for hormones or anything

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