Can i have sex if i m having my period?


Does anyone hold any GOOD reason to can`t bear harry potter?

Yeah u can.. provided ur parnter doesnt gross out seeing adjectives the blood...

Just bring in sure u dont go and get stains on the bed...

how can i avoid getting blood through my underwear durring my spell ?

I outstandingly reccomend u DON'T :D TRUST ME he doesn't wanna see adjectives that dirty blood :S:S:S but i tight-fisted again.. depending on your partner, he might be alright near it. but instinctively, i NEVER have or WILL HAVE sex when i am on my extent :D

whats a Fetal position?

It is best to avoid.

Will this work?

Yes, you can own sex during your spell, but I would not scene this as a time when you cannot procure pregnant. There is still a possiblity. In my experience, nearby have never be so much blood that my partner be 'grossed out' by it or anything. Just protect your sheets and hold fun.
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