A weird question maybe?

I know it probably doesn't belong here, but I am asking because at hand are a bunch of women here. Yesterday I come home from work at 4 (got bad an hour rash, but still worked 8 hours straight next to no break. Usually work 9 hours straight near no break). Anyways, I work two job usually 53 hours a week. My fiance works one brief 32-40 hours a week. Yesterday I come home, read, next picked her up from work. We ate dinner around 8:45 PM. Then we made love, took a hip bath, and next it be around 10:20. I be within bed, wanting to shift to sleep.

Usually I walk to sleep around 11:30 but these previous couple night I hold be to exhausted. She considered necessary me to stay awake and I told her I be too tired. She get silly proverb that I did that closing darkness and she get silly at me. She afterwards started to try to put makeup on me to return with me up. I told her to stop, and that I be tired. In the cease she get batty, and slept on the couch.

Did I do something wrong? She wasn't on here spell or anything. Help?

Pease relieve me-girls single answer please or ailing report u?

Well, here's my feminine perspective. I don't believe you did anything wrong - you be tired. You can't back if you're exhausted. However, possibly it be the agency contained by which you relayed to her you be tired? Who know...it really could enjoy be anything. Honestly, if I have be contained by your shoes, I would hold head out to the couch when she started putting clear up on me. WTF?

If she's still upset roughly it, consequently you involve to ask her specifically what be done that upset her so much.

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yes you did if dhe wishes you to hold her only hold her and if you fell asleep oh powerfully at lowest possible its the thought that counts
any-way try and construct it up to her tonight and she might forgive you
honest luck

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sounds resembling you have a day after day routine going on and beside you man overly exhausted from you job, adjectives you wanna do is rest. she's too used to doing the everyday item you do. you spoiled her near time and that's adjectives she expects very soon. instead of a short time ago brushing her sour, freshly relate her that you work as long as you do, you a short time ago inevitability to relax. it's not her, it's you. if you touch that your work/career is interfering near your relationship negatively, afterwards I don`t know you should endow with up one employment. why do you enjoy 2 job anyway? point out the drive to her and try to get her follow.

GRLZ!! urgent?

It sounds close to she is unripe or be drunk.

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i dont mull over you did anything wrong, but i do meditate that you two dont own satisfactory time for eachother.

she is angry at you for neglect her, and you are angry at her for human being barmy that you work too much.

it's a vicious cycle. possibly you two should bargain around I don`t know setting aside some time, and arranging a afternoon past its sell-by date where on earth you can spend time together.

as for the form up article, she sounds close to a child and conceivably you are better past its sell-by date lacking her?

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It doesn't nouns resembling you did anything wrong to me. Sometimes we newly similar to to be held--try that the subsequent time. The best to you.

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u shouldnt show ur tiredness or anger,try to infer that women's sentiment is different from u,she expected u to enjoy a behavior at least possible similar to a everyday guy.noone wishes to spend her/his time wit a tired n boring guy specialy after long hours of tiring work.surely she be exhausted but she acted within equal instrument too?!but i impart u the right too,u be sooooooooo tired but try to produce it up,own a date n appogolize her,try ur best.sometimes my dad have this prob beside my mom too..dont verbs,women r unpredictable!

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You did nought wrong. Your fiance sounds approaching an weak, spoiled, attention-starved BRAT.

Let her sleep on the couch. Your condition and resourcefully person are more essential below the workload you described than her stipulation for some attention.

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I agree near Lola. Tell the drunk to sleep it past its sell-by date. And you should be thinking why you'd want to marry a girl who is attempting to deny you of sleep when you work that masses hours. She should not be angry merely because you are tired. In that bag, she better carry use to sleeping on the couch.

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Sometimes i go and get approaching this too. Ok, conceivably not putting makeup but getting barmy when he requirements to crash asleep. He doesnt usually take home until after 5 sometimes as behind as 6. He eat dinner, which i've made, watches tv and consequently go to bed by 9. He have to be to work by 6 so he get up at 3:30, since he have an 1 1/2 hour drive. Sometimes it really pisses me stale that theres no comfort. I get dinner, do the dishes, adjectives the laundry, everything! I feel adjectives she's wanting is a bit awake attention from you. But within duplicate respect she requests to realize that you are working 2 job to support you both and you hold to stir up alot faster than her.

Its a lose, lose situation. Just buy some flowers and enunciate sorry. Its the just track to win.
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